19th Annual Poster Symposium and All Scientists Meeting

Save the date! CAP will be holding its 19th Annual Poster Symposium and All Scientists Meeting on January 13th at ASU's SkySong facility in Scottsdale. Diane Pataki, Professor, Department of

ASU Center for Biodiversity expands: 2016 open house

On December 15, 2016, ASU’s Center for Biodiversity Outcomes (CBO) hosted an open house to welcome students, affiliated faculty, staff and community members into its new location at the School

Navigating Collaborative Governance for Sustainable River Recreation

Anna Jean Bettis is a dual Sustainability alum, having first completed a Bachelor of Arts with an international development track and recently finishing her Masters of Sustainability Solutions (MSUS) at

Faculty Affiliate Ariane Middel Elected to Board of the IAUC

The International Association of Urban Climate (IAUC) recently announced that Ariane Middel, a faculty affiliate of the UCRC and Senior Sustainability Scientist in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of

Tabulating the world's weather oddities

Listing a 2.25-pound hail stone in Bangladesh among the archives he maintains, sustainability scientist Randy Cerveny is helping the World Meteorological Organization keep track of extreme weather events that help to indicate how our climate is changing.

ASU’s School of Sustainability spells success for graduates

A school that originally started as an experiment has become a leading example for other sustainability programs nationwide by Nicole Randock Students enter college today with the expectation that a

A family man's journey to sustainability

In a December 2016 interview with ASU Now, School of Sustainability student Jason Tibbetts shares that he originally planned to attend an out-of-state school. He ultimately opted for Mesa Community College due to its reputation

ASU among top contenders for NSF research dollars

Alongside the likes of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Berkley, ASU landed on the National Science Foundation’s Top 10 list for research expenditures among American universities without a medical school.

Water woes: How one ASU expert is addressing water conservation

As droughts and fresh water shortages continue to be a challenge for the nation's southwest region, many are seeking more aggressive and effective water conservation solutions. In a December 2016 interview

Nicole Darnall awarded Social Science Research Council's 2017-2019 Abe Fellowship

School of Sustainability Professor Nicole Darnall has been awarded the Social Science Research Council's 2017-2019 Abe Fellowship for her research on sustainable public procurement. The fellowship is designed to encourage international multidisciplinary research

Breaking barriers to green procurement overseas

Nicole Darnall, a sustainability scholar and professor in the School of Sustainability, has been awarded the Social Science Research Council's 2017-2019 Abe Fellowship for her research on sustainable public procurement. The fellowship is

Seeds of opportunity: Are veterans the future of farming?

A shrinking farming population can be addressed by veterans seeking peaceful employment, asserts "Ground Operations: Battlefields to Farmfields" – a film that fueled a great panel discussion at a recent event hosted by ASU's Food Systems Transformation Initiative.