Cities of Light: A Collection of Solar Futures

A new book of science fiction, art, and essays from the Center for Science and the Imagination and Center for Energy & Society at Arizona State University explores how solar energy will transform the future of cities and the people who inhabit them. A webinar inspired by the book will be held Friday, April 2.

Store display of vegetables including onions, radishes, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.

Food Systems career panel on April 2

Wondering what you can do with a Sustainable Food Systems degree? Join the ASU Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems for our first career panel on Friday, April 2nd, from 1-2pm AZ via Zoom.

Karen Anderson

Variances in critical protein may guide fate of those infected with SARS CoV-2

Of the many perplexing questions surrounding SARS CoV-2, a mysterious new pathogen that has killed an estimated 2.6 million people worldwide, perhaps the most insistent is this: why does the illness

Tech company plans to develop lab at ASU Polytechnic in Mesa

Mechnano, a nanotechnology company located in the Polytechnic Innovation Zone, announced plans to develop a lab at the Arizona State University Polytechnic campus in Mesa.

ASU will lead effort to upskill, resell workforce through $8M grant

The U.S. Department of Labor has awarded Arizona State University an $8 million grant to lead an innovative workforce development partnership to help train workers for high-paying, high-demand jobs in

Laser Marking Technologies opens facility in Arizona

Laser Marking Technologies opened a new facility in Chandler, AZ to support, service, and develop customer relationships in the southwestern U.S..

Cattle ranching and conservation 

“Growing up, we were always told that if you take care of the land, the land will take care of you,” said Frank Krentz, an Arizona cattle rancher. This statement rang true throughout our conversation with Frank while our class learned more about his role in conservation efforts on his family’s ranch and other ranches in Arizona. 

Cigna Medical Group joins SkySong community

SkySong, The ASU Scottsdale Innovation Center announced the Cigna Medical Group (CMG) is opening a new, innovative health care center in SkySong 4, located in Scottsdale.

April 8-9: ASU Diversity and Inclusion Conference

ASU Staff Council sponsors the 1st Annual Conference on Diversity and Inclusion at the university to provide a venue for exchange of innovative ideas and facilitate action.

May 13: Positionality, reflexivity and bias in research

This workshop is appropriate as an introduction for scholars interested in developing ethically grounded reflexive approaches to research methods.

New study predicts urban development and greenhouse gases will fuel urban floods

Sustainability scientist Matei Georgescu, associate professor in ASU’s School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, is lead author of a new study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters.

Registration open for Nobel Prize summit 'Our Planet, Our Future'

The program includes remarks from Johan Rockström, Beatie Wolfe, Xiye Bastida, Steven Chu, John Kerry, Anthony Fauci, Ursula Von der Leyen, the Dalai Lama, and many other distinguished presenters. April 26-28, 2021. Free virtual event.