Peoria projects wrap up with spring '21 showcase event
On April 14, 2021, ASU Project Cities hosted its spring virtual student showcase for the City of Peoria student projects. Students, ASU staff, and Peoria staff gathered to learn about this semester’s student findings and answer additional questions. Following the presentations, participants split into virtual poster Q/A sessions to talk directly with the students and ask additional questions.
A video recording of the event will be posted to our YouTube channel, subscribe here!
• Affordable housing study: Community needs assessment with Deirdre Pfeiffer’s PUP 525: Urban Housing Issues class. 8 graduate students studied current housing market trends utilizing qualitative research methods to discover gaps in livability caused by sociological and financial trends in Peoria. (VIDEO)
• Affordable housing study: ADU strategies study with Meagan Ehlenz’s PUP 580: Planning Workshop class. 15 graduate students worked with Peoria’s Planning & Zoning Department to review and advise on the implementation of ADU strategies to address affordable housing options in Peoria. Students identified several peer communities for best practices in ADU policies, including Tempe and Flagstaff. (VIDEO)
• Sustainability planning: Public outreach campaign with Shirley-Ann Behravesh and Stephanie Pfirman’s EMS 589: Master of Sustainability Leadership Capstone. In continuation from previous semesters, 4 graduate students surveyed Peoria residents and conducted virtual town hall sessions to collect feedback for the Sustainability Action Plan 3.0. Students surveyed Peoria residents to gain feedback on sustainability planning, and with 780 responses, they surpassed their survey response goal by 144%! (VIDEO)
• Sustainability planning: Funding strategies for sustainability programs with Malcolm Goggin and LaDawn Lingard’s PAF 509: Master of Public Administration & Public Policy Capstone. 2 graduate students worked with the City of Peoria on its sustainability planning efforts by developing recommendations for funding strategies and opportunities in two target areas: water conservation education programs and improving recycling operations. (VIDEO)
• Community forestry program development with Paul Prosser’s SOS 593: Applied Project class. 2 graduate students built on the previous semester’s work of drafting a shade plan for Peoria. This semester, the 2 graduate students conducted public outreach and researched best practices from other communities to draft recommendations for Peoria’s ongoing shade planning initiatives. Students identified several benchmarked communities, including Tucson, that includes a clear and aggressive canopy increase in sustainability planning. (VIDEO)
We want to recognize all of this semester's student’s incredible work and resilience, especially their adaptability to the virtual environment. We also extend our gratitude to the City of Peoria for its continued support and engagement. We look forward to continuing this work in the fall 2021 semester!
Project Cities is a member of the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities Network (Epic-N) and is administered by ASU’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory and the Sustainable Cities Network. Stay up to date with Project Cities and the Sustainable Cities Network by following us on social media or subscribing to our newsletter.