International collaboration to explore cellular mechanics of coral bleaching
Coral bleaching is a global ecological crisis caused by the massive loss of the symbiont dinoflagellate symbiodinium from its coral hosts.
Peter Schlosser named chair of AGU Development Board
Schlosser was first appointed to the AGU board in 2015 and recognizes AGU as the first scientific organization he joined. "[AGU's] broad scope in Earth and Space Science covered my interests in a way no other professional society did."
Gerber calls for action during Congressional testimony
Yesterday, ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes Founding Director Leah Gerber delivered a five-minute Congressional testimony titled “Examining Biodiversity Loss: Drivers, Impacts, and Potential Solutions” to the U.S. Senate Committee on
GovLove podcast highlights student led sustainability planning effort
For four years, Project Cities has acted as a convener for students and local government leaders to collaborate to tackle real-world sustainability problems and develop professional skills. As we wrap up
Student spotlight: Kasi Darnell
To highlight some of Project Cities star students, we sat down to interview Kasi Darnell, an ASU graduate with a Master of Sustainability Leadership. With Project Cities, she worked on
ASU, Phoenix hope to lure researchers, entrepreneurs with new downtown innovation center
The new science and technology building in Downtown Phoenix is intended to be an innovative center and was built by real estate company Wexford Science & Technology in partnership with ASU and Phoenix.
Comparing media coverage of desert locust outbreaks
Student Focus Post: Written by students from the Global Locust Initiative Lab to share their research and experience. My name is Maddie Magrino and I am a senior at ASU
Graduates fueled by Biodesign research experiences credit opportunity and mentor trust
Typically, scientific laboratories hum at the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University from the energy that students bring. In fact, the institute regularly engages hundreds of undergraduate and graduate researchers to perform
Future Cities episode 47: Scenario Production for Resilient Urban Futures
Doctors Elizabeth Cook, David Iwaniec, Lelani Mannetti, and Tischa Muñoz-Erickson join Robert Lloyd to talk about the production of scenarios for future city transformations. Scenarios provide potential goals for practitioners
Kudos to the student worker team
As the 2020-21 school year comes to an end we want to appreciate and celebrate the contributions that our team of student workers has made to the Swette Center. The Swette Center has been made stronger thanks to each of their contributions, creativity, and good humor. We’ll miss them in our weekly team meetings, and wish them the best on what comes next in their academic careers!
Greater than the sum of its parts
ASU engineers develop new ways to 'program' self-organizing systems Some things seem to happen without direction. Fish form schools to deter predators and ants form rafts to survive floods. These emergent group behaviors have long been the focus of research in biological science, but they are inspiring new work in computing and robotics. Members of the Biodesign Center Biocomputing, Security and Engineering Andréa Richa, a professor of computer science in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of
3D Printing materials manufacturer MECHnano is the first to move to Innovation Zone in Mesa
An advanced technology lab has moved its headquarters to the Innovation Zone at ASU's Polytechnic campus in Mesa.