Future Cities episode 47: Scenario Production for Resilient Urban Futures
Doctors Elizabeth Cook, David Iwaniec, Lelani Mannetti, and Tischa Muñoz-Erickson join Robert Lloyd to talk about the production of scenarios for future city transformations. Scenarios provide potential goals for practitioners in city government and other actors to work towards in efforts to ensure greater sustainability, resilience, and equity. Co-production of knowledge, limits of future visions, and the challenges to realizing scenarios are among the topics discussed.
Learn more about our guests:
Elizabeth Cook (@e_m_cook): https://envsci.barnard.edu/profiles/elizabeth-m-cook
David Iwaniec (@SustFutures): https://urbaninstitute.gsu.edu/profile/david-iwaniec-2/
Lelani Mannetti (@LelaniM): https://urbaninstitute.gsu.edu/profile/lelani-mannetti/
Tischa Muñoz-Erickson (@tmunozerickson): https://www.fs.fed.us/research/people/profile.php?alias=tamunozerickson
Access their recently published book here: https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783030631307.
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If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, e-mail us at [email protected] or find us on Twitter @FutureCitiesPod. Learn more about the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN) at www.sustainability.asu.edu/urbanresilience.