Man showing a group of Indian women how to use the solar food processing unit

S4S: Sustainable livelihoods through innovative food and technology

S4S Technologies assists women without land as well as farmers to become entrepreneurs by providing micro food processing units that help them generate an average additional income of

Farmer-driven conservation in the heart of Yuma, Arizona

It’s said that there are “five C’s” that power Arizona: climate, copper, cotton, cattle, and citrus. Mark Kuechel, owner and operator of Kuechel Farms, comes from a long line – four generations, in fact – of experts in one of these C’s: citrus. But, after spending the afternoon with Mr. Kuechel, it’s clear another C could be added to the list: conservation.

Updates in Cardiac Amyloidosis 2023 (1.14.2023)

Updates in Cardiac Amyloidosis are supported in part by an independent educational grant from Pfizer. Updates in Cardiac Amyloidosis 2023Health Futures Center - Saturday, 14 January 20238AM-2PM The Institute for Future

A glimpse into Arizona dairy at Kerr Family Farms

The 2022 cohort of Sustainable Food Systems graduate students from Arizona State University got the opportunity to get a first-hand glimpse of the Arizona dairy industry with a visit to Kerr Family Farms in Buckeye, Arizona. During the visit, students met with Wes Kerr, a fourth-generation dairy farmer.

SPRI introduces inaugural Global Research Affiliates

SPRI is excited to announce our first group of Global Research Affiliates!  Members of the leadership team nominated each of the four affiliates to collaborate with SPRI to support our

collection of handbags and other items for sail in store display

Slowing down fashion: Sustainable clothing and goods with Ethic Attic

“Our goal is to be a one stop place for design conscious products that are sustainable and made with least negative impact on the ecology.”Rema Sivaram Rema Sivaram – Co-Founder

Project Cities celebrates five years with the President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness

ASU Project Cities has been awarded the President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness, a university-wide initiative to recognize the work of ASU faculty, staff, and programs for their work in social embeddedness. As part of ASU’s charter and design aspirations, social embeddedness encompasses the university’s commitment to serving its surrounding communities by sharing its resources and knowledge networks through mutually beneficial community partnerships.

Stove construction workers

Clean, Safe Mukuru Clean Stoves: An economic opportunity for women

Mukuru Clean Stoves replace traditional stoves with improved cookstoves that reduce exposure to hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), have lower fuel consumption and reduce

Mona Itani

Shabab Lab: Revolutionizing technologies to promote social change in Arab communities

Mona Itani – CEO & Founder of Shabab Lab – Lebanon 2021 WE Empower finalist, Middle East and North Africa Transforming Arab youth into changemakers in their community is the

Telisa Daughtry

Fly Technista: Providing tech opportunities for women around the globe

With over 1.4 million tech-related jobs available and only 3% of these roles filled by women, Fly Technista, a revolutionary mobile app, bridges the access gap for women within

Yetunde Oyalowo, founder of Market Doctors, Nigeria

2022 WE Empower Awardee, Sub-Saharan Africa Healthcare has become a critical focus in recent years, especially in Nigeria. Access to simple checkups and medicine is infeasible for millions of Nigerians

SPRI contributes research and writing to UNEP Sustainable Public Procurement: 2022 Global Review

ASU's SPRI was heavily involved in both the research and writing for the UN Environment Programme's 2022 Global Review on Sustainable Public Procurement.