Watch convocation live online

School of Sustainability holds its spring convocation ceremony in Gammage Auditorium on Thursday, May 10. Watch live at 4:30 p.m. Arizona time.

ASU-Conservation International celebrate promising year, plan for the second

The ASU-Conservation International annual retreat was held April 23-26, 2018 at the ASU Tempe campus. The retreat celebrated the successful first year of the partnership and outlined priorities for subsequent

Global urbanization issues addressed in new book

Two staff members at Arizona State University’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability are editors of a new book, “Urban Planet: Knowledge Towards Sustainable Cities,” released by Cambridge University

Global funding for biodiversity conservation

On April 25, 2018, the ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes and the Global Drylands Center hosted Daniel Miller, an assistant professor in Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at

Training the next generation of conservation leaders

The ASU and Conservation International partnership continues to advance one of its three main goals, which is to train the next generation of conservation leaders. A recent article by CI’s

Training the next generation of conservation leaders

The ASU and Conservation International partnership continues to advance one of its three main goals, which is to train the next generation of conservation leaders. A recent article by CI’s

Dean Boone takes the field

School of Sustainability Dean Christopher Boone agreed to throw out the first pitch on Earth Day at the Arizona Diamondbacks Major League Baseball game. The pitch was good enough not to go viral on social media. We'll call that a win.

UREx researchers reflect on positive visions for the future

Over the past year, it has become even more apparent that climate change is not some future event, but rather, something we are currently experiencing.  This has been demonstrated by

ASU-CI partnership in action in the world’s epicenter of biodiversity

As part of their Fulbright Fellowships to Ecuador, Professors Leah Gerber and John Sabo are experiencing the interface between people and nature in the Amazon rainforest and on the Galapagos

Meet sustainability senior Julia Colbert

With its roots in a plant-based diet, Julia Colbert’s interest in sustainability began to grow. Colbert understood development does not need to come at the cost of our planet, and

Meet sustainability senior Yann Raymond

After moving to Tempe from Northwestern France, Yann Raymond enrolled with ASU’s School of Sustainability. His focus is international development, and he has an interest in food systems and supply

Meet sustainability senior Mackenzie McGuffie

On a family trip to Hawaii, Mackenzie McGuffie fell in love with nature and began to appreciate the biodiversity that connected her to nature. So she changed her major to