Profitable agriculture through recovered energy, nutrients and solids


Profitable agriculture through recovered energy, nutrients and solids

Currently, organic waste management in agriculture presents huge economic and environmental problems. These problems include regulatory risk, the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus, water and air pollution, and the lack

Creating energy and clean water in arid environments

Worldwide, water security in arid regions is threatened by unsustainable use of groundwater and population growth. In order for villages, towns, and cities to be sustainable and prosperous, clean water

International innovation through partnership with Beijing Normal University

Strengthening Arizona State University’s commitment to innovation, ASU and Beijing Normal University have agreed to establish the Joint International Research Laboratory of Disaster Risk and Sustainability Sciences. The mission of

Partnership drives international sustainability education

A joint education program between Arizona State and Beijing Normal universities allows qualified undergraduates who complete three years at BNU to transfer to ASU for their final year, with the option of pursuing a Master of Sustainability Solutions at the School of Sustainability after graduation.

Faculty Highlight: Klaus Lackner

Arizona State University’s President Michael Crow has hired Center for Negative Carbon Emissions Director Klaus Lackner twice. The first time was when Crow was vice provost at Columbia University. He

A promising path to negative carbon emissions

Carbon dioxide is a potent greenhouse gas and its steady accumulation poses ever-increasing risks of harmful climate change. The need for collection of carbon waste and its permanent and safe

Joint decision-support analysis of water and energy systems

The increasing global demand for energy will stress water resources because energy production requires water for refining and cooling processes. Additionally, deployment of new clean-energy technologies must be well established

Human energy analytics

ASU's  Human Energy Analytics group, led by Jacqueline Hettel, creates new informatics tools and resources to catalyze, accelerate and improve the human outcomes of global energy-systems change. ASU researchers work with

Micro-grid innovations for sustainable communities

Reliable access to electricity is widely regarded as a keystone to overcoming poverty. Micro-grids are localized energy grids that can be used to provide reliable, safe, and low-cost power to 1.4 billion

LightWorks draws VIP crowd at energy innovation summit

Former Vice President Al Gore and World Bank President Jim Yong Kim were among the dignitaries who stopped by the ASU LightWorks booth at the ARPA-E summit – held in Washington, D.C. – to admire the solar technology developed by senior sustainability scientist Zak Holman.

Report outlines new utility regulatory pathways

The leaders of the Powering Tomorrow Initiative – co-directed by sustainability scholar Kris Mayes – recently released their Phase Two report, which defines industry structures and regulatory packages that accommodate a growing number of market participants, while securing the vitality of existing utilities and a fair playing field for new market entrants.

Cleaning up wastewater through algae

It’s easy to associate algae as being a nuisance. Noticing slimy green algae building up on the sides of your crystal blue pool might have you rushing to remove it.