Study paves the way for new photosensitive materials
Applied Structural Discovery

Study paves the way for new photosensitive materials
Photocatalysts are useful materials, with myriad environmental and energy applications, including air purification, water treatment, self-cleaning surfaces, pollution-fighting paints and coatings, hydrogen production and CO2 conversion to sustainable fuels. An efficient

Petra Fromme’s pioneering efforts in X-ray crystallography honored with the prestigious Anfinsen Award
Arizona State University researcher Petra Fromme has received the 2021 Christian B. Anfinsen Award. The honor is bestowed by The Protein Society, the premier international association dedicated to supporting protein research. In presenting

First detailed look at crucial enzyme advances cancer research
In order to develop more effective drugs against a range of cancers, researchers have been investigating the molecular structure of many diseased-linked enzymes in the body. An intriguing case in

Variances in critical protein may guide fate of those infected with SARS CoV-2
Of the many perplexing questions surrounding SARS CoV-2, a mysterious new pathogen that has killed an estimated 2.6 million people worldwide, perhaps the most insistent is this: why does the illness

ASU researchers unraveling protein structure to understand and fight disease
Proteins are one of the major building blocks of life, and they carry out many chemical reactions related to life. This includes how the body interacts with disease-causing agents. Understanding

ASU professor awarded top research prize by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the prestigious Gregori Aminoff Crystallography Prize, one of the physics research community’s highest honors, to Arizona State University Regents Professor John Spence.

Tiny pumping stations play outsized role in cellular health and disease
In order to carry out their astonishingly varied tasks, living cells make use of a range of micro-machines. One of the most crucial of these— known vacuolar ATPase or V-ATPase—is responsible

New techniques probe vital and elusive proteins
The number of proteins in the human body, collectively known as the proteome, is vast. Somewhere between 80,000 and 400,000 proteins circulate in our cells, tissues and organs, carrying out

Edson seed grants advance innovative dementia solutions
Over $300,000 from The Charlene and J. Orin Edson Initiative for Dementia Care and Solutions was awarded to three Arizona State University research teams for innovative research projects. The funding

Mining molecular data with cryo-EM unveils hidden biological secrets
The field of structural biology has made enormous strides, peering into the activities of nature at the tiniest scale. Such investigations are critical for charting the behavior of important macromolecules

New microfluidic device minimizes loss of high value samples
A major collaborative effort that has been developing over the last three years between Arizona State University and European scientists has resulted in a significant technical advance in X-ray crystallographic

Study offers new insights for sun-gathering technologies
Every hour, the sun saturates the earth with more energy than humans use in a year. Harnessing some of this energy to meet global demand has become a grand challenge,