AZ Central: Sustainability scientist says AZ can replace coal with solar

Mike Pasqualetti writes in an opinion piece that coal is losing its fight nationally and Arizona has a chance to lead the change towards clean energy with more solar projects.

Liquid fuel from sunlight: A spotlight on cyanobacteria

Research and development of cleaner sources of energy is becoming increasingly more important in our society. Last week, President Barack Obama announced new measures to tackle climate change which included

Researchers discover global warming may affect microbe survival

School of Life Sciences professor Ferran Garcia-Pichel's international team of scientists found that higher temperatures can alter the abundance of microbial species with unknown consequences to erosion protection and soil fertility.

The breathing ocean: Reducing the effects of climate change

Oceanographer and Sustainability Scientist Susanne Neuer leads National Science Foundation research on phytoplankton's role in climate change mitigation and how the algae can permanently bury organic carbon.

Top 10 new species list turns into book of top 100

Sustainability Scientist Quentin Wheeler's new book hopes to show that sustaining Earth's biodiversity can ensure our survival and the resiliency of ecosystems to future stressors.

Planetizen: Second edition of 'New Urbanism' outlines city, environmental restoration

Senior Sustainability Scientist Emily Talen edited "Charter of the New Urbanism," a book for design professionals and citizen activists that advises on urban sprawl mitigation and built sustainable communities.

Diagnosing the impact of sustainable solutions

A Thought Leader Series Piece By Patricia Reiter Note: As the Director of the newly established Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives, Patricia Reiter is responsible for overseeing the

Real-life research applications enhance ASU sustainability education

School of Sustainability community-university liaison Katja Brundiers uses Living Learning Labs to turn research into campus and community projects that apply and teach sustainability.

China's great uprooting: Moving 250 million into cities

China is pushing ahead with a sweeping plan to move 250 million rural residents into newly constructed towns and cities over the next dozen years — a transformative event that could set off a new wave of growth or saddle the country with problems for generations to come.

The Guardian: 97% of climate science papers agree global warming is man-made

Citizen science volunteers expanded on past Wrigley Lecture Series lecturer and climate scientist Naomi Oreskes' survey of climate journal articles in hopes of lessening the misconceptions behind climate change.

National Science Foundation: Our impact on urban heat islands

Sustainability Scientist Sharon Harlan says Phoenix is a perfect living lab to study urban heat island effects on vulnerable populations and that cool, green parks can help counteract increasing temperatures in cities.

Water Environment Federation recognizes sustainability scientist as 2013 Fellow

Bruce Rittman, director of ASU's Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology, is a leader in water quality research having developed the membrane biofilm reactor that uses bacteria to clean polluted water sources.