CBO Announces NatureNet Fellowship - Call for Applications

CBO has partnered with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to join six other Universities (Cornell, Columbia, Princeton, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania and Yale) that offer the prestigious NatureNet Science Fellows Program.

Call for Abstracts: McDowell Sonoran Preserve Research Symposium

McDowell Sonoran Preserve is looking for posters from researchers and students who have conducted or are conducting ecological, social, geological, or historical research relevant to the greater Phoenix preserve or park system

White House Announces ASU National STEM Collaborative

Congratulations to CBO faculty affiliate and Executive Director of the Center for Gender Equity in Science and Technology, Kim Scott! Today the White House announced CGEST's National STEM Collaborative during their Champions

IUCN Announces final consultation on Key Biodiversity Areas Standard

Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are sites that contribute significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity. IUCN' s commitment to development of this standard will help policy makers and practitioners your

City managers trying to reduce emissions should think small

In a recent commentary published in Nature, ASU sustainability scientists Kevin Gurney, Nancy Grimm and Mikhail Chester state that city managers should handle greenhouse gas emissions at a small scale - like a house or road - so as to more easily see and target a city’s “carbon hot spots."

Managing Water for Irrigated Agriculture in the Central Arizona Desert

Farmers in arid central Arizona have always faced a formidable climatic challenge. The region around Phoenix receives a scant fraction of the annual rainfall needed to irrigate traditional crops like

CBO presents panel on Diversity in Conservation Science at ESA 2015

CBO Director Leah Gerber and graduate student affiliate Beth Tellman recently organized a panel entitled “Expanding diversity in the next generation of ecology” at the 100th anniversary of the Ecological Society

USFWS Conservation Career Symposium

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) will host an information session for undergraduate and graduate college students interested in public service careers. This session will focus on students interested

ASU named nation's most innovative school in annual rankings

In its newly-released college rankings for 2016, which compare more than 1,500 institutions on a variety of metrics, U.S. News and World Report placed Arizona State University at the top of its “most innovative schools” list before both Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Bay area board meeting to focus on scaleable solutions

The fall meeting of the Board of Directors for Sustainability at ASU will be held in San Francisco next month. The meeting will begin at 12 p.m. on Monday, October 5, and end

M. Sanjayan: Thought Leader Series

In his essay, Seeing the full picture: save nature, live better, M. Sanjayan seals the perceived separation between humans and the natural world, demonstrating how conservation is actually in our own

Study examines risk of Himalayan glacial lake outburst

School of Sustainability lecturer and anthropologist, Milan Shrestha, has joined an interdisciplinary team of scientists working on an NSF-funded study of the risk posed by an engorged Himalayan glacial lake to the centuries-old settlements positioned downstream.