Hope for the sustainability of American suburbs

In his latest book, "The Future of the Suburban City," Senior Sustainability Scholar Grady Gammage explains why suburbs show promise in the era of climate change and provides examples of cities that are making strides toward resilience.

Locust outbreak brings ASU expert to Argentina

The worst locust outbreak Argentina had experienced in 60 years brought Arianne Cease, a School of Sustainability professor and locust expert, to that country to discuss rapid responses to swarms – the motivation behind her Global Locust Consortium.

A framework for fighting wicked water problems

In a recent contribution to Christian Science Monitor, School of Sustainability alumnus Christa Brelsford writes that solutions to today's water problems lie with a complex systems approach to water management.

A modern twist on the age-old concept of commons

Common-pool resources – like water, air and the internet – are no stranger to debate, say the two sustainability scientists behind the latest edition of the book "Sustaining the Commons," but are also not without solutions.

Taking useful technology to market

Slotting it at 38th in their annual rankings of utility patents earned by universities worldwide, the National Academy of Inventors and the Intellectual Property Owners Association recognized the environment of creativity fostered by ASU.

ASU blue bag recycling program expands beyond Tempe

ASU's Zero Waste Program has created a Blue Bag Recycling Program that extends cross all four of their campuses. These bags are available to any community member and with 540

Developing renewable energy plan and tools in collaboration with military and government stakeholders

Tempe, AZ (June 30, 2016) – The U.S. Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment awarded $941,469 to Arizona State University and the City of Surprise to fund the creation of

7 tips for a sustainable vacation

Christine Vogt, Director of the Center for Sustainable Tourism at Arizona States' College of Public Service and Community Solutions, provides 7 tips on how to enjoy a sustainable vacation.  

Meet Our Alumni: Manjyot Bhan

Manjyot Bhan – a native of Mumbai, India – graduated from the School of Sustainability with a Master of Science in 2010. She also earned a PhD in Public Administration,

Pioneers of environmental law to teach ASU course

In a two-week course this fall, ASU students will have the opportunity to earn credit while getting first-hand insight from the two senior staff members who led the Senate environment subcommittee during the 1970s – the so-called "Golden Age."

What's in a Name? Everything! Put on Your Thinking Caps and Send Us Your Most Creative Program Names!

We need your help naming a new program at ASU’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability!  The program brings ASU students and faculty together with a local city government

Students study culture and sustainability in Morocco

For the fourth year in a row, the School of Sustainability sponsored a study abroad excursion to Morocco, a place whose unique cultures with differing priorities illustrate to student participants the complexities of sustainable development.