What is Sustainability

Meet Our Alumni: Chris Chappell

Chris Chappell graduated from the School of Sustainability in 2012 with a Bachelor's of Science, focusing on Sustainable Ecosystems. Chappell is currently the Social Media Coordinator for the Arizona Wilderness

Sustainability Planning at the City of Bisbee

Torin Sadow, a BA alum in Sustainability and Urban Dynamics and a BS in Planning, took on a challenging project as a Sustainability Intern with the City of Bisbee Public

Agriculture in Arizona faces a warmer future

Arizona's agricultural production is headed for a decline, say two ASU sustainability scientists who found – after studying the food-energy-water nexus that governs agriculture in the state – that its yields could drop more than 12 percent per 1 degree Celsius.

Supporting sustainable development in Myanmar

On March 27-30, ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes (CBO) researchers will lead a workshop in Myanmar to identify ways in which biodiversity conservation can enhance human well-being (e.g. food security, climate

Now hiring! Sustainable fisheries postdoctoral fellow

In partnership with Conservation International (CI) and the Nereus Program, the ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes is hiring a full-time postdoctoral research associate to work in the Honolulu, CI Hawaii


Tuberculosis, then and now: From Old West to a new test to rapidly identify worldwide infections

Tuberculosis, once better known as consumption for the way its victims wasted away, has a long and deadly history, with estimates indicating it may have killed more people than any

Navigating the rapids of water management

Drawing parallels to the lessons he learned while rafting the Colorado River in 1998, Senior Sustainability Scientist Dave White – director of ASU's Decision Center for a Desert City – delivered his ideas for staying afloat in times of increasing water scarcity in a March 2017 KED Talk.

Sowing the seeds of sustainability education

Spotlighting the Sustainability Teachers' Academy – a program of the Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives – ASU was recognized with a 2017 Best of Green Schools award from the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council.

World Water Day: ASU team explores water perceptions across globe

An interdisciplinary ASU research team is exploring what water means around the world. In the most recent phase of their research program, the Global Ethnohydrology Study, students and faculty worked together to

Mapping impacts of conservation on human well-being

This week, Samantha M. Cheng with the Science for Nature and People Partnership at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis in Santa Barbara is visiting ASU. During her

ASU, Conservation International team up to protect biodiversity

As a key program within the Knowledge Partnership between the Center for Biodiversity Outcomes and Conservation International, ASU welcomed seven Professors of Practice, who will devote time to teaching, mentoring and service initiatives at the university.