Meet Executive Master of Sustainability Leadership alumna Julie Hopwood

You might think that a mostly-online graduate program would be impersonal. But, as Arizona State University alumna Julie Hopwood tells it, that’s far from the case with the Executive Master

GLI at the Entomological Society of America Meeting, Vancouver 2018

It was great to see so many Global Locust Initiative members and friends at the November 2018 joint ESA, ESC and ESBC meeting in Vancouver. There were excellent talks highlighting

Sustainability scientist leads Geography 2050 symposium connecting geography and energy

This year’s Geography 2050 symposium, hosted by the American Geographical Society, went off without a hitch. According to the AGS Chief Executive Officer John Konarski, that’s because of the hard

Big power from a small container

With a $2 million grant from the Office of Naval Research, an Arizona State University professor is working to improve on his solar-powered, electrical grid-in-a-box for use in far-flung corners

Big power from a small container

ASU Now With a $2 million grant from the Office of Naval Research, an Arizona State University professor is working to improve on his solar-powered, electrical grid-in-a-box for use in

Sustainability Change Agents present strategies to Mayo Clinic

School of Sustainability Change Agents presented recommendations and strategies to the Mayo Clinic corporate sustainability committee. The presentations were well-received, as they helped to frame Mayo Clinic’s sustainability and human resource issues in a new and inspiring light.

Amanda Ellis presenting a talk in San Jose, CA at RELX Group SDG Inspiration Day

Sustainability scholar presents at RELX Group SDG Inspiration Day

The first RELX Group SDG Inspiration Day in San Jose, California featured a talk from Amanda Ellis, executive director of Hawaii and Asia Pacific in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global

Global Locust Initiative wins USAID/OFDA grant to launch pilot project in Senegal

GLI won a half-million-dollar grant from the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance to test whether soil amendments to millet fields in Senegal decrease locust outbreaks, improve millet yields and increase farmer livelihoods.

Sustainability graduate aims to change transportation sector

If it weren’t for the computer simulation game SimCity, Sean McElroy might never have discovered his passion for sustainable cities. As a high school student, McElroy designed a modern city

Meet sustainability junior Susie Puga

Susana “Susie” Puga is a first-generation college student from the farming community of Yuma, Arizona. She had a hard time explaining to her family and friends how studying sustainability would

U.S. Capitol building

Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture and Stockholm Water Prize co-recipient to be keynote speakers at Phosphorus Forum 2019

The Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance has announced that Kathleen Merrigan and Bruce Rittmann will be the keynote speakers at Phosphorus Forum 2019, scheduled for April 5, 2019, in Washington, D.C.

Involving youth in multi-generational community engagement

"Every young person can recall cringing as their elders embark on a “You kids have it so easy. Back in my day…” tale. And for many things, yes, perhaps life