Escape from paper mountain

How many times a day do you think you touch paper? If your guess is around 100 you might be right.  It’s almost overwhelming to think of all the items

Student takes steps toward greener future

ASU junior Kim Pearson is making strides far beyond ASU’s campus to reduce her carbon footprint and help others do the same. The sustainability and Spanish literature student has taken

Redman, Grimm, and Williams honored at CAP All Scientists Meeting

Charles Redman, Nancy Grimm, and Linda Williams were honored for their contributions to CAP LTER at the 13th Annual CAP LTER All Scientists Meeting and Poster Symposium on January 12,

A connected university: Video conferencing at ASU

ASU, with more than 80 video conferencing (VC) capable rooms, and four geographically separated campuses is the ideal place for use of this incredible timesaving tool.  However, currently ASU videoconferencing

Green Team: Holdin’ it down at ASU

Green Team is a volunteer force that focuses on improving recycling at events and working towards achieving “zero waste." Before the event takes place, we work with event planners to

Creating scenarios for protecting Earth’s ecosystems

Q&A with Osvaldo Sala Dr. Osvaldo Sala Sustainable management of grazing in arid Patagonian ecosystems requires assessing the different services that they provide including food, fiber, carbon storage, and conservation

Green Captains – Stakeholder participation in action

Sun Devil Dining makes sustainability delicious - we’re providing Fair Trade certified coffee in all our dining hall locations, we’ve conveniently packaged and clearly labeled local and organic foods with

Researcher's sustainability work earns NSF award

Promising research that could help provide a source of clean energy and improve environmental safety has earned an Arizona State University senior sustainability scientist support from the National Science Foundation.

2011 CAP LTER Poster Symposium winners

The CAP LTER Poster Symposium on January 13th featured 23 posters with graduate and undergraduate student authors, which a panel judged during the Symposium. Congratulations to Melanie Banville and co-author

Taking root: A Southwest Sustainable Food Summit

Quick riddle: what’s necessary, varied and sumptuous?  Answer: food! If you’ve been overcome with questions about the origin of your daily vittles portions (or are slightly more than apathetic about

Climate change impact on Arizona cities

The local ABC News affiliate interviewed CAP LTER scientists Tony Brazel and Darren Ruddell for a story on the impact of climate change on Arizona’s cities, deserts, and forests. Their

Latest edition of Network News available online

The Fall 2010 edition of the Network News is now available online.