Headshot of Abigail York in office.

Meet affiliated faculty Abigail York

Read on for an interview with Abigail York, Professor of Governance and Public Policy, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Co-Director of Earth Systems Science for the Anthropocene.

Hayden Flour Mills: The intersection of crops and community

As our group from ASU’s Food Policy and Sustainability Leadership Cohort gathered in front of Jeff Zimmerman, founder of Hayden Flour Mills, you could feel his excitement begin to build up. He almost seemed to hum with energy. Part of that excitement came from having our group visit his mill in-person at Queen Creek, Arizona, as last year the visit was conducted virtually due to the pandemic.

Can Climate Conscious Leadership stop the comet?

Faculty leads George Basile and Hylke Faber join Ryan Johnson for a discussion on the importance of cultivating climate conscious leaders to stop the metaphorical "comet" that climate change represents for humanity.

Upcoming Event: Food Systems Career Panel on March 18

Join the ASU Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems for our annual career panel on Friday, March 18th, from 1-2pm AZ via Zoom.  This event will give students pursuing careers

A Look at small-scale farming on Aguiar Farm

Aguiar Farm is owned and operated by Fernando Aguiar and his family. Originally from Mexico, Fernando grew up on a farm and learned the trade working alongside his father and grandfather. After moving to the United States in 1981, Fernando worked in construction for 10 years before returning to his agricultural roots and starting Aguiar Farm in Paulden, AZ.

New construction at Intel in Chandler, AZ

America once dominated the semiconductor industry. Here's why we must win again

Opinion: America fell behind in semiconductor manufacturing, fueling shortages, and even worse, we did it ourselves. But we can dominate again. Here's how.

People looking at produce at the Prescott Farmers Market

Prescott Farmers Market: A vital part of Yavapai County

The Prescott Farmers Market in Prescott, Arizona was founded in 1997 as a seasonal market, expanding to year-round in 2014.

Climate Conscious Leadership on Phoenix Business Radio X

Climate Conscious Leadership is a brand new offering from ASU's College of Global Futures which launches in May 2022. The program will focus on how to effectively become a leader

Sara Meerow

Meet affiliated faculty Sara Meerow

Read on for an interview with Sara Meerow, Assistant Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning.

Two CBO proposals finalists for ASU Women in Philanthropy prizes

Two proposals headed by the Center for Biodiversity Outcomes leadership were announced as grant finalists for ASU Women and Philanthropy, an organization comprised of women committed to becoming advocates and philanthropic supporters of the university. The proposal presentations took place at the Musical Instrument Museum on Feb. 23.

Book cover of Managing Healthy Livestock Production and Consumption

Expanding the livestock narrative

A very important book by Nadia El-Hage Scialabba has just published. Nadia is one of our Senior Fellows at the Swette Center and she lists the Swette Center as her primary affiliation on the book jacket! What an honor to have the Swette Center so acknowledged and to have Nadia working with us.

Leah Gerber

CBO's Leah Gerber speaks at GreenBiz22

The business sector's premier annual sustainablility conference, GreenBiz 2022, returned to the Valley of the Sun in Scottsdale this February. The ASU Center of Biodiversity Ooutcome’s founding director, Leah Gerber, was invited to sit on a panel.