Stephanie Forrest selected as the 2023 Evolutionary Computation Pioneer
Stephanie Forrest, director of the Biodesign Center for Biocomputing, Security and Society at ASU, has been selected as the 2023 recipient of the IEEE CIS Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award.

Students head to Town of Clarkdale for semester kickoff event
On September 22, 2022, students from 3 classes traveled to the Town of Clarkdale for the first in-person visit in two years. Joined by Clarkdale leadership and staff, students met with Town Manager Susan Guthrie, Community Development Director Ruth Mayday, and Mayor Robyn Prud'homme-Bauer to brainstorm for their projects.

Peoria leadership kicks off fourth year of student projects with Project Cities
On September 14, 2022, ASU Project Cities hosted its first in-person kick-off event since the start of COVID. Over 50 undergraduate and graduate students from 5 Peoria projects joined their project leads and Peoria executive leadership to learn more about the community they are working with this semester and plan for the coming semester.
New SPRI article published in Journal of Cleaner Production: A framework for understanding sustainable public purchasing
As governments worldwide have begun embracing Sustainable Public Purchasing (SPP), researchers note that we lack a broader conceptual framework that articulates the motivations for public organizations to adopt SPP.

The Live Green Company: Feeding the world with nature and science
Priyanka Srinivas started Live Green in 2018 with the vision to provide sustainable alternatives to the mainstream products of the food industry. She experienced the challenge of finding truly nutritious food first-hand due to so many concerning ingredients and practices behind much of what is available on grocery store shelves. In the last four years, the Live Green Company has been working to create a growing variety of plant-based, healthy products, and is now ready to start eliminating all of the synthetic ingredients and processes.

U.S. GSA holds first Acquisition Policy Federal Advisory Committee including SPRI co-founder as one of 28 members
Nicole Darnall, SPRI's director and co-founder, is one of 28 members selected for GSA inaugural Acquisition Policy Federal Advisory Committee. In this AZ Central article, Joan Meiners interviewed Darnall following the committee's first meeting.

Eureka Tech Academy: Bringing quality tech learning to students in the MENA Region
Afnan Ali, the founder and the general manager of Eureka Tech Academy, is an electrical/communication engineer who received a diploma in social entrepreneurship. Based in Jordan, Ali is the founder and the general manager of Eureka - the first online tech academy for children and youth in the Arab World.

re:3D INC - Redefining technology: Bringing affordability and accessibility to all
With experience as a volunteer, a firefighter, a NASA employee, and an officer in the Air National Guard, Samantha Snabes is a women entrepreneur using her unique lived experiences to inform and scale her business.

New summary report released: Policy Proposals For Employee Handbook
The Town of Clarkdale, Arizona is a historic community nestled in the Verde Valley. Human resource management is a constantly evolving practice that focuses on the management of people in a way that fosters professional development and employee well-being.

Tomorrow: History in the making
Tomorrow, the White House is hosting the first conference in over 50 years that focuses on food, nutrition, and health. With the ambitious goal of ending hunger and diet-related disease by 2030, President Biden and his team of Cabinet Secretaries, including Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, have released a national strategy today. It includes five pillars addressing the challenges we face in meeting the stated hunger and nutrition goals.

SPRI's co-founder interviewed by AZ Central for nation's first sustainable purchasing committee
Joan Meiners from Arizona Republic interviewed SPRI co-founder Nicole Darnall about her appointment with the U.S. General Services Administration's (GSA) inaugural Acquisition Policy Federal Advisory Committee.

SPRI faculty selected for inaugural GSA Acquisition Policy Federal Advisory Committee
Nicole Darnall has been selected for the U.S. General Services Administration's inaugural Acquisition Policy Federal Advisory Committee.