City of Tempe, ASU partner on 'Jenny’s Trailer' to provide space for homeless individuals to cool off during summer

Check out one of HUE's latest collaborations with the City of Tempe!

Climate change may be culprit in Antarctic fish disease outbreak

In a new study, University of Oregon (UO) researchers join Arizona State University virologist Arvind Varsani to investigate a parasitic outbreak in the Antarctic.

Jocelyn Brown Hall presenting a lecture.

Fighting food crises with Jocelyn Brown Hall of FAO

Jocelyn Brown Hall is the Director of the North American Liaison Office of FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, which has a focus on food security and agriculture management. The organization was formed post World War II in Canada to reduce hunger while improving food and nutrition security. Currently, there are 190 participating members, and they are present in over 130 countries across the globe.

Project Cities fall 2021: New project summary reports released

We are pleased to announce the release of 6 new project summary reports! The fall 2021 semester comprised of 10 student projects that engaged over 60 students from various disciplines, including sustainability, engineering, environmental resource management, and public affairs! 

Faculty spotlight: Greg Broberg

This week we are excited to highlight one of our exceptional faculty members, Dr. Gregory Broberg! With an extensive background as an elementary and middle school teacher, Greg has cultivated a passion for educational equity, focusing on how to best support the unique needs of students.

Equity through the Marketing and Regulatory Program

During our weeklong DC Immersive, several of our meetings took place in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) building. On one particular day, we had the privilege of meeting with the team from the Marketing and Regulatory Program (MRP) in the USDA conference room where people from all over the world come to discuss matters with policy officials within the Department.

Farm Bill discussions with the Senate Ag Committee Staff

Agriculture was one of "three great branches of domestic industry" along with commerce and manufacturing. All three were equally entitled to the care and protection of the government. Agricultural interests were distinct and not always best served when included with those of commerce. On December 9, 1825, by a vote of 22-14, the U.S Senate approved a resolution creating a standing Committee on Agriculture.

Three ways to protect biodiversity today

The ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes, in collaboration with the Conservation International Lab at ASU and Sustainable Earth, recently published a comprehensive article for conservationists of all ages and all places to help provide greater understanding of what they can do to be a protector of our planet’s biodiversity.

Farmer fertilizing feild with tractor and sprayer.

Fertilizer prices are soaring – and that’s an opportunity to promote more sustainable ways of growing crops

Farmers are coping with a fertilizer crisis brought on by soaring fossil fuel prices and industry consolidation. The price of synthetic fertilizer has more than doubled since 2021, causing great stress in farm country.

Fighting hunger differently at DC Central Kitchen

As part of our Washington DC Immersive, our Food Policy and Sustainability Leadership cohort had the privilege of visiting the future home of DC Central Kitchen. Executive Director Mike Curtin and Healthy Corners Program Manager Yael Reichler met with us to share about DC Central Kitchen’s history, the innovative work they are doing to create a stronger and more equitable food system, and the exciting things on the horizon for the organization.

Up Top Acres: Rooftop farms to feed DC

As part of the Food Policy and Sustainability Leadership program’s immersive week in Washington DC, our cohort visited one of Up Top Acres rooftop farms. Kathleen O’Keefe, a co-founder of the business, shared their story, strategies, successes, and challenges with our class.

GLI participates in BPRI bootcamp

On May 20–21, 2022, Global Locust Initiative (GLI) team members traveled to Texas A&M University to participate in a successful launch event for the $12.5 million NSF-funded Biological Integration Institute: Behavioral Plasticity Research Institute (BPRI).