Solar-powered library connects remote regions

Not everyone in our highly-connected world is a text or tweet away. For those in off-grid locales like Samoa, lack of information access means fewer educational opportunities. That’s where ASU’s

Future Cities podcast episode 3: Financing urban resilience

Urban resilience projects are all well and good, but how do we actually implement them? This episode focuses on the financial aspects of getting projects off the ground and different

New certificate, Environmental Communication and Leadership

The ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes recently launched a new graduate certificate titled “Environmental Communication and Leadership” to help conservation students develop important leadership and communication skills needed to increase

New class, Biodiversity Conservation in Practice

In partnership with Conservation International, the ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes is excited to launch a new class in spring 2018 targeted to undergraduate and graduate students titled “Biodiversity Conservation

Deep percolation in arid piedmont watersheds and its sensitivity to ecosystem change

Doctor of Philosophy Defense Announcement for Adam Schreiner-McGraw Date: November 2, 2017 Time: 3:00 PM Location: ISTB4, Room 240 Advisor: Enrique Vivoni Committee Members: Kelin Whipple, Osvaldo Sala, Heather Throop

UREx partners with Georgia State University

The UREx SRN has added Georgia State University’s Urban Studies Institute (USI) to its network, bringing the total number of partnering institutions to seventeen. USI and UREx have similar missions

[Test] Future Cities Ep. 2: Innovation and Social Equity

What does social equity look like in a resilient city? In this episode, graduate students and postdocs reflect on the relationship between 'green' projects and processes of displacement and gentrification.

The effect of conservation spending

Leah Gerber, Founding Director of the ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes, recently co-authored a publication with Hugh Possingham, Chief Scientist for The Nature Conservancy, in News and Views titled “The

Accelerating biomass technologies to create energy and materials

By 2040, worldwide energy consumption is projected to increase 28% from 2015. Also, fossil fuels will still account for 77% of energy use, according to the International Energy Outlook Report 2017.

1,000s of lab gloves will be recycled thanks to ASU sustainability student

Recognizing that countless gloves are used in labs across ASU's campuses each week, School of Sustainability student Junkee Justin Ahn – through a program called RightCycle – is helping these gloves reach recycling centers where they are turned into plastic materials.

Climate Geoengineering: GeoE Live

In September, ASU's PlanetWorks hosted Climate Geoengineering: GeoE Live (#GeoElive), a live-streamed workshop exploring the potential promise and perils of climate invention strategies. Organized in partnership with the Forum for Climate

Advancing global corporate biodiversity

Last week, Founding Director Leah Gerber represented the ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes at the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD) 2017 Council Meeting in Mexico City as part