Wednesdays from Washington: Food and ag trade insights with Joe Glauber

Sustainable Food Students Stories

Wednesdays from Washington: Food and ag trade insights with Joe Glauber

The final day of our DC immersion brought the exciting opportunity to speak with Joe Glauber, who spent 30 years at USDA – including 6 as chief economist – before assuming his current posts as senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (FPRI) and visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).[1] An expert on global trade, Glauber delivered a compelling overview of U.S. agricultural consolidation, before enlightening us with his perspective of the Trump administration’s farm and trade policies.

Wednesdays from Washington: Learning the importance of persistence in Congress

“Don’t give up” and “never take no for an answer” were words that resonated throughout the office of the Honorable Rosa DeLauro, Democratic Congresswoman representing the 3rd District of the great state of Connecticut. These words of wisdom from her mother were passed down to ASU Food Systems and Sustainability Leadership cohort during our week-long immersion in Washington D.C. They have served her well.

Wednesdays from Washington: Reflections on a meeting with the "Traffic Cop of Congress"

During our time on Capitol Hill our cohort was able to have a meeting with the chair of the Committee on Rules, Jim McGovern. This was our only meeting in the Capitol building and, as our badges stated, it was official business. We rode the connecting tram from Rayburn building into the Capitol and headed to the Committee on Rules.

The early birds get the worm: Breakfast with AZDA Director Killian

Just before we left Tempe to tour farms and ranches in Southern Arizona, we were honored to have breakfast with Mark Killian, Director of Arizona Department of Agriculture.

Insights from a diverse USDA panel

The leafy green city of Yuma, AZ was a sight to see and provided so much information about agriculture practices in southern Arizona. The ASU Food Policy and Sustainability cohort was given the honor to have a panel discussion with four amazing individuals who work for the USDA in different capacities.

Reflections on Whole Foods Market 5% Giving Day

On Wednesday December 4th, a couple students and professors of the Food and Farm Immersion branched off during the morning and early afternoon to table at the newly opened Whole Foods Market in downtown Tempe, Arizona.