Vanos, Middel say shade is a solution to scorching playgrounds

SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities

Vanos, Middel say shade is a solution to scorching playgrounds

ASU urban climate researchers Jennifer Vanos and Ariane Middel study playgrounds in the Arizona heat. Their research provides insight into these spaces, as well as tips on keeping children safe in the heat.

Cheng, team win EPA award for green infrastructure project

The team won the Campus Rainworks Challenge for their work with the K-8 Paideia Academy in south Phoenix to address environmental justice and equity in health and education through green infrastructure interventions.

How will Americans commute after this?

Deborah Salon's early results were shared, along with several other studies, in a May article published by CityLab entitled How Will Americans Commute After Lockdowns End?

Middel receives CAREER for work in heat mitigation

Sustainability scientist Ariane Middel has been awarded an NSF CAREER to look at heat from a human perspective, using an innovative mobile sensor called "MaRTy," pictured.

Roseland rethinks sustainable cities amid social distancing

Social distancing raises profound questions for our approaches to sustainable cities. When this is over, we can’t simply “go back.” The world has changed and we must go forward — in the right direction.

Faculty Virtual Open House: ASU Project Cities

New faculty are invited to learn about and inform Project Cities, a unique partnership that connects students and faculty in project-based classes with local community partners to advance communities' sustainability goals.

New ASU Zimin Institute for Smart & Sustainable Cities calls for proposals

ASU’s new Zimin institute seeks proposals for research and development aimed at rapidly advancing innovative solutions toward practical realization and societal impact in cities. A proposers' meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 9 at noon in Biodesign B105.

Project Cities puts student talent on the map

For three years, Project Cities has been successfully connecting policymakers and students to co-create strategies for better environmental, economic and social outcomes. This success can be seen with Apache Junction, the program's first community partner. “Project Cities is an invaluable resource," said a city official.

ASU professor leading international effort to improve urban resilience

NATURA, which stands for ‘Nature-based solutions for Urban Resilience in the Anthropocene,’ will link early-career scholars and practitioners who are working on solutions for climate change resilience around the world. We will create opportunities to share knowledge from one region or city with another.

Designing for community and sustainability

Design School Assistant Professors Paul Coseo and Chingwen Cheng led a group of four landscape architecture students and one design student in a project to collaboratively redesign Old Stadium Park in Hawaii.

Project Cities students continue to impress in end-of-semester spring showcase

As the spring semester came to an end, Arizona State University students shared the work they had been doing with Project Cities in partnership with the City of Glendale and the City of Apache Junction.

Sustainability scholar supporting sustainable development in Hawai’i

Hawai’i was recognized in late 2018 by the United Nations as a Local2030 hub — the first island and first place in Asia Pacific to be named a hub. Hawai’i Green Growth (HGG) coordinates the hub activities and the ASU Wrigley Institute serves on the hub’s board, drawing on ASU expertise to help support practical implementation of U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.