Panch confirmed as director of National Science Foundation

Global Futures Scientists-Scholars

Panch confirmed as director of National Science Foundation

Panchanathan has identified three pillars of his vision for NSF: Advancing research into the future, ensuring inclusivity, and continuing global leadership in science and engineering.

Delivering actionable, strategic, irreplaceable science in a crisis

In a new article for Issues in Science and Technology, the president of the National Academy of Sciences says that delivering actionable, strategic, and irreplaceable science will help the research enterprise confront COVID-19.

DesRoches elected president of International Network for Economic Method

Sustainability scientist Tyler DesRoches has been elected president if INEM, the largest professional organization for philosophy and methodology of economics in the world. DesRoches is one of a few philosophers and methodologists of economics working on sustainability issues.

New paper uses ASU as case study in interdisciplinary research

The study by Fulbright Scholar Paul Bolger provides robust evidence for the powerfully beneficial role that research institutes can play as enablers on interdisciplinary research within their university.

June 17: Thinking about Poverty as an Innovation Problem

Tomorrow, join a real-time conversation on re-imagining the social safety net. It's a live "ask me anything" with Dr. Lenore Ealy. To participate, you must sign in to and

Westerhoff, Herckes combine for COVID decontamination solution

Westerhoff leads research on using ultraviolet light to decontaminate water. Herckes investigates aspects of PPE use in semiconductor fabrication clean rooms. With an NSF RAPID grant, they had a fully developed device ready for deployment by the beginning of April.

Crow: Face coverings required in campus buildings

Effective immediately at ASU, face coverings will be required for all employees, students and visitors while in buildings. Face coverings will also be required in outdoor community spaces where social distancing isn’t possible.

Hodge: Economy, public health in tug-of-war

The director of ASU's Center for Public Health Law and Policy has fielded more than 500 inquiries seeking guidance on public health law and policy issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read his interview with ASU Now.

Mishra awarded Publication of Lasting Impact award

With his 1997 publication, agribusiness professor Ashok Mishra changed agricultural policy around the world and initiated several government-wide projects for the well-being of self-employed farm family businesses

Sustainability scientists forecasting the future of mobility

The success of technologically advanced means of automated movement of people, products and services depends on public attitudes, values, perceptions and willingness to embrace new and different things, more so than innovation.

NSF solicitation: Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems

Full proposals are due November 16, 2020. This solicitation is an update of the program previously known as CNH and CNH2. In the last five years, ASU sustainability scientists have received two CNH/CNH2 awards.

Philosophers of science and sustainability scientists unite!

Sustainability scientist Tyler DesRoches is among several authors of an article on the nature and significance of sustainability science, forthcoming in the journal Sustainability Science.