With the help of ASU, city of Phoenix developing solutions to cool down

Phoenix skyline at sunset on hazy day

David Hondula, a senior sustainability scientist in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, was interviewed by the Washington Post about the Heat Ready initiative, a project funded by Healthy Urban Environments.

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“We talk about climate … as something mysterious and ambiguous that comes from the sky. But it is also something we are driving with the way we are paving our streets,” Hondula said in the article. “Urbanization is a critical part of the story.”

The article, “How America’s hottest city will survive climate change,” details the intersection between heat and health, and explains why low-income communities such as the Edison-Eastlake neighborhood in Phoenix are hit particularly hard by extreme heat. The Heat Ready initiative is one of many collaborative projects aiming to make Phoenix summers more livable for all residents.