UREx Future Cities podcast recognized by ESA
Urban Resilience Network
UREx Future Cities podcast recognized by ESA
Urban Resilience to Extremes SRN's monthly podcast, Future Cities, has been awarded the Ecological Society of America's "Science Communication in Practice Award," given to ESA members who represent excellence in public engagement and science communication.
Future Cities Episode 52: Nature-based solutions and you
Green infrastructure (GI) and nature-based solutions (NBS) are relatively new concepts in expert circles, at least by those terms. In this episode, Dr. Elizabeth Cook and Clair Cooper join first-time
New book: Resilient Urban Futures
Just released, "Resilient Urban Futures," an open access book that addresses the way in which urban and urbanizing regions profoundly impact and are impacted by climate change. An exciting collaboration among members of ASU's Urban Resilience to Extremes SRN.
UREx featured in inaugural issue of npj Urban Sustainability
npj Urban Sustainability is dedicated to publishing high-quality papers that describe the significant and ground-breaking research covering urban environments through the lens of sustainable development, studied across a broad range of research topics.
Chester comments on climate change and our already-taxed infrastructure
"We need to fundamentally reassess what our systems need to be able to deliver, and under what conditions," said sustainability scientist Mikhail Chester in an August 8 article in the Washington Post.
New paper: Modest water policy implementation could offset 30 percent of outdoor demand
A new paper in Sustainability Science finds that the use of alternative water supplies, such as rainwater harvesting and greywater use, could offset up to 30 percent of total outdoor water demand for the Phoenix Metropolitan Area under modest implantation of these policies.
Our Infrastructure is Being Built for a Climate That's Already Gone
With the current climate crisis comes the realization that infrastructure built on climate models of the past is no longer sufficient for weather events today. The concept of stationarity will
In an interdisciplinary effort, ASU researchers develop a framework to help decide sustainable futures
As we continue to witness the devastating impacts of climate change, there is a consensus that we as a human population need to transition to a more sustainable way of
UREx co-founder, Nancy Grimm receives honored recognition
In recognition of her distinguished and continued achievement in research, co-founder and director of the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN), Nancy Grimm was elected to the
UREx SRN Alumni: Beating the heat in Phoenix neighborhoods
School of Sustainability PhD graduate, Melissa Guardaro has made an impact on heat action planning in Phoenix, Arizona. As part of the Nature’s Cooling System Project, Guardaro strove to address
Members of UREx SRN receive ecology award
Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN) were recipients of an award from the Ecological Society of America. Winners of the award are recognized for their “outstanding contributions
Sustainability scientist Nancy Grimm wins fellowship
Senior Sustainability Scientist Nancy Grimm, the Virginia M. Ullman Professor of Ecology in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University, was named a 2019 Fellow of the Society