Connecting the Humanities and Sustainability: An Interview with Joni Adamson


Connecting the Humanities and Sustainability: An Interview with Joni Adamson

Joni Adamson likes to call herself a “Jill of all trades.” Adamson, a professor of English and Environmental Humanities in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) and a Senior

Potential energy efficiency measures for inclusion in Arizona’s state plan for EPA’s proposed carbon standards

This blog continues our feature series on the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. In order to achieve or surpass the EPA’s expectations for Building Block 4 of the plan, energy efficiency,

Why algae is important to me: An interview with AzCATI’s Dave Cardello

As media outlets increasingly tout the possibilities of algae as a resource for the future, more and more people are beginning to ask the question- “why algae?” With recognition of

LightWorks: A Year in Review

As we prepare to bid farewell to 2014, we would like to take a moment to reflect upon some highlights and accomplishments made during this year. With a proven performance

Arizona’s Building Blocks: Energy Efficiency (part 4 of 4)

In our last few posts we started walking through the EPA’s calculation of state goals for CO2 emissions, covering Building Block 1, Building Block 2 and Building Block 3. In this post, we’ll conclude

Arizona’s Building Blocks: Cleaner Generation Sources (part 3 of 4)

In our last two posts we started walking through the EPA’s calculation of state goals for CO2 emissions, covering Building Block 1 and Building Block 2. In this post, we’ll continue

Arizona’s Building Blocks: Redispatch from Coal to Natural Gas (part 2 of 4)

In our last post we started walking through the EPA’s calculation of state goals for CO2 emissions, covering Building Block 1. In this post, we’ll continue the walk-through with Building Block

Arizona’s Building Blocks: Introduction to the EPA’s Goal Calculations (part 1 of 4)

While there is no shortage of legal questions or political rhetoric surrounding the EPA’s proposed carbon pollution standards for Arizona, there are also many technical details that need to be

Carbon Farming: Healthy soil and ecology go hand in hand

When we think about the main sources of greenhouse gases, we don’t typically consider dirt as being one of them. But, it’s true. Just by plowing their fields, farmers have

EPA Blog Post: Background on the Supreme Court, the Clean Air Act, and Carbon Dioxide Regulations

The Supreme Court has affirmed on multiple occasions that the EPA not only has the authority but also a legal obligation to regulate CO2 emissions as an air pollutant through

Technology to Market: What’s holding us back?

From the invention of the computer mouse to the world’s first video game console, the 1960s marked a time of huge technological achievements. The animated sitcom “The Jetsons” spurred whimsical

Light Technology Wins Nobel Prize for Physics

This year, three researches from Japan and the U.S. were deemed to be no dim bulbs in the science and research community. Professors Isamu Asaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura