Focusing on the little things: Rittmann discusses his work with microorganisms
Environmental Biotechnology

Focusing on the little things: Rittmann discusses his work with microorganisms
In honor of June 5 being World Environment Day, we are featuring Bruce Rittmann, director of the Biodesign Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology and his work focusing on how microorganisms

New technology fused with photosynthetic life offers path to green energy
The quest for sustainable energy has become a central challenge for society. In order to meet ever-expanding energy demands without further damaging the global climate, researchers are tapping into natural

Zero waste water
ASU researchers see potential in wastewater When you think about wastewater — if you do at all — you probably think of reeking, worthless sewage that you flush down the

Bruce Rittmann honored with WEF research award
Arizona State University Regents’ Professor Bruce Rittmann has been named the 2021 recipient of the WEF Camp Applied Research Award, bestowed by the Water Environment Federation (WEF). “Dr. Rittmann is recognized for his

Graduates fueled by Biodesign research experiences credit opportunity and mentor trust
Typically, scientific laboratories hum at the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University from the energy that students bring. In fact, the institute regularly engages hundreds of undergraduate and graduate researchers to perform

Waste into wealth: Harvesting useful products from microbial growth
Ancient alchemists dreamed of transforming base materials like lead into gold and other valuable commodities. While such efforts generally came to naught, researchers today are having some success in extracting

Biodesign researchers land coveted Hering Medal
Researchers at the Biodesign Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology (BSCEB) and their colleagues have been awarded the 2021 Rudolph Hering Medal from the American Society of Civil Engineers. The prestigious award recognizes

Microbial remedies target chemical threats in the environment
Across America, hazardous waste sites pose an ongoing threat to human and environmental health. The most severe cases are known as Superfund sites, of which over a thousand currently exist.

Managing the microbiome raises new hope for autism
According to the Centers for Disease Research, 1 in 54 children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) each year, and the number has been rising. The disease causes perplexing,

Biodesign, on a research roll, announces new centers, state-of-the-art X-ray lab
The Biodesign Institute at ASU significantly expands its scientific enterprise, announcing three new centers/labs to advance explorations in the fields of microbiomics, green chemistry and pioneering compact X-ray science. With

AZBio awards ASU researchers for exceptional work in biosciences
This month, AZBio announced that two of their annual awards will go to outstanding Arizona State University researchers — Joshua LaBaer and Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown. AZBio is a statewide organization that is

Undaunted: ASU Science forges ahead, despite worldwide crisis
The global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus has affected nearly every aspect of daily life in Arizona and across the nation, putting many summer activities on pause in the