Freeze Frame: Scientists use new electron microscope to explore the mysteries of life


Freeze Frame: Scientists use new electron microscope to explore the mysteries of life

In a winding corridor behind a loading dock in the basement of Arizona State University's Schwada building, a group of ASU scientists are meeting in a lab, deeply focused, exploring

First electrons generated for revolutionary new tool in biological discovery

A milestone for ASU’s compact X-ray free electron laser program A team of scientists at Arizona State University’s Biodesign Institute has successfully achieved a milestone five years in the making

Petra Fromme

Petra Fromme’s pioneering efforts in X-ray crystallography honored with the prestigious Anfinsen Award

Arizona State University researcher Petra Fromme has received the 2021 Christian B. Anfinsen Award. The honor is bestowed by The Protein Society, the premier international association dedicated to supporting protein research. In presenting

ASU professor awarded top research prize by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the prestigious Gregori Aminoff Crystallography Prize, one of the physics research community’s highest honors, to Arizona State University Regents Professor John Spence.

Biodesign, on a research roll, announces new centers, state-of-the-art X-ray lab

The Biodesign Institute at ASU significantly expands its scientific enterprise, announcing three new centers/labs to advance explorations in the fields of microbiomics, green chemistry and pioneering compact X-ray science. With

Two women researchers in lab, wearing masks.

Undaunted: ASU Science forges ahead, despite worldwide crisis

The global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus has affected nearly every aspect of daily life in Arizona and across the nation, putting many summer activities on pause in the

Science at the forefront at Biodesign C grand opening

The mission of the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University started with the desire to replicate a single blade of grass. That’s what President Michael Crow told a crowd of about 450

Smaller, faster, harder: Crystallography with XFELs

Richard Feynman knew a thing or two about biology. He is reported to have said, “Everything that living things do can be understood in terms of the jigglings and wigglings

Sneak peek inside ASU's Biodesign C expansion under construction

Biodesign C, the $120 million building expansion of the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University, continues to rise along Rural Road at ASU’s Tempe campus. Much of the building is