The science policy interface: Articles on what scientists, politicians, and the public need to know

Check out these recent articles regarding the science policy interface in Nature and The Guardian. Policy: Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims, by William J. Sutherland, David Spiegelhalter, and Mark

New DCDC publication

Impact of urban form and design on mid-afternoon microclimate in Phoenix Local Climate Zones Authors Ariane Middel, Center for Integrated Solutions to Climate Challenges, Arizona State University Kathrin Häb, Department

Recycle your cap and gown

School of Sustainability convocation is just around the corner, but what will you do with your cap and gown after the ceremony? You could turn them into a Halloween costume

Shell GameChanger: Investing in energy innovation for the future

Since its foundation in 1996, Shell GameChanger has practiced its open invitation to innovative ideas that have the potential to impact the future of energy. On November 13, GameChangers Henk

Phoenix reduces greenhouse gases well ahead of schedule

A Walton Sustainability Solutions Services report says between 2008 and 2012, the City of Phoenix reduced emissions by 7.2 percent, well ahead of its goal of 5 percent by 2015.

DCDC decadal synthesis on climate, urbanization, and water in metropolitan Phoenix

In anticipation of its 10-year anniversary, Arizona State University’s Decision Center for a Desert City (DCDC) has released a major new report, "Advancing Science in Support of Water Policy and

Decision Center for a Desert City releases decadal synthesis on climate, urbanization, and water in metropolitan Phoenix

Arizona State University’s Decision Center for a Desert City (DCDC) released a 10-year report, “Advancing Science in Support of Water Policy and Urban Climate Change Adaptation at Arizona State University’s

West Bank university partners with ASU to advance renewables

Representatives from ASU, including Sustainability Scientist Mike Pasqualetti, attended a training program to discuss future strategies that will improve access to renewable energy.

Phoenix Business Journal: User-based renewables make utilities nervous

Sustainability Scientists Mick Dalrymple and Harvey Bryan say homegrown energy is competing with utilities, forcing providers to improve their rates and production.

Everyone likes a good, low-carbon story

A Thought Leader Series Piece By Peter Byck Note: Documentary filmmaker Peter Byck joined the School of Sustainability as a professor of practice this semester. His position is jointly shared

ASU zero waste initiative begins at Territorial Cup game

ASU's Nov. 30 football game kicked off Sun Devil Athletic's zero waste campaign that will provide on-site composting and recycling bins and education at all athletic games.

Algae workshop trains ASU scientists

ASU hosted representatives from the Department of Energy's Bioenergy Technologies Office to showcase current algae research and train algae professionals.