Solving wicked conservation problems

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes presents the brown bag event Social-Ecological Modeling to Solve Wicked Conservation Problems on Tuesday, June 21. Theoretical ecologist Matthew Holden and conservation economist Katrina Davis are postdoctoral research

Meet Our Alumni: Brendan Denker

Brendan Denker is a Fall 2012 graduate of the School of Sustainability's Master of Science program. He also received a Bachelor of Arts in General Engineering, and a minor in French

Meet Our Alumni: Jin Jo

Jin Jo – a native of Seoul, South Korea – graduated from the School of Sustainability in 2010. He received the first PhD in sustainability and was a member of ASU's jazz

Welcome new CBO affiliates

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes team is expanding. We're pleased to welcome Beth Polidoro as our associate director of research, Abby York as our associate director of education and diversity, and Anahí Astudillo as our business operations specialist.

Testing the waters of global perception

Amber Wutich and Alexandra Brewis-Slade Wutich and Brewis-Slade created the "Global Ethnohydrology Study (GES)" that engages undergraduates students by having them carry out cross-cultural research pertaining to water, among four different

Network Project Presentation of Resilience and Urban Sustainability

Announcing specialists with Arizona State University and Hermosillo to incorporate Urban Resilience and Sustainability.

April 6, 2016 Press Conference

April 6, 2016 – Hermosillo team press conference with Mayor Acosta Gutiérrez.

The municipality of Hermosillo

The municipality of Hermosillo was elected to nine cities in the world that make up the Network for Urban Resilience and Sustainability Climate Change, according to its the mayor.

A warm welcome to Kelly Gravuer, recipient of a NatureNet Science Fellowship

Kelly Gravuer is a recent recipient of the Postdoctoral NatureNet Science Fellowship. In collaboration with The Nature Conservancy and the Center For Biodiversity Outcomes, Kelly will investigate how food production

HOAs influence water use, ASU study finds

Upon analyzing water-use records for properties throughout several neighborhoods in Goodyear, Arizona, Senior Sustainability Scientist Elizabeth Wentz found that houses in homeowners associations used much less water than those that were not.

Camels don't fly, deserts don't bloom

This 2016 documentary by a team of seven ASU students, under the direction of sustainability scientist Peter Byck, explores why a Saudi Arabian-owned farming operation is growing hay year-round in the desert of Arizona and what this means for the state's water security.

Water water everywhere (nor any drop to drink)

Built in a lake basin, Mexico City experiences destructive flooding, but also struggles with access to clean water. ASU researchers are studying the complex choreography of natural environment, physical infrastructure and human decision-making that contribute to both.