SPRI and EPA collaborate to launch sustainable purchasing portal

Arizona State University’s Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative (SPRI) is collaborating with the United States Environmental Protection Agency to launch a website that makes it easier for companies looking to make

Meeting purchasing needs the sustainable way

To help organizations interested in eco-friendly purchasing, ASU's Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative is partnering with the EPA on a website geared toward servicizing – an approach that charges customers for the function of a product rather than the product itself.

Science-based approaches to soil health

Management practices that promote soil health in croplands can deliver multiple benefits for nature and people, including cleaner air and water and greater crop yield stability. In the United States

Colbert, live from COP 23

The 23rd Conference of the Parties – a U.N. climate conference in Bonn, Germany – attracted dignitaries from around the world. Luckily, those at home had School of Sustainability student

Sharing is not only caring, it's how we thrive

Small acts of kindness – something as simple as lending a neighbor a cup of sugar – not only bind us together, but are critical to our survival as a species, according to anthropologist and Senior Sustainability Scientist Amber Wutich in her November 2017 KEDtalk.

Responsible Business Report

The Natural Capital Coalition recently published a report on responsible business practices to reduce environmental impact of natural resources. In November 23, 2017, the report was included in the print

Johnson appointed to GRI stakeholder council

Ryan Johnson, Executive Director of Sustainability Education and Training for ASU's School of Sustainability, has been appointed as a member of the Global Reporting Initiative Stakeholder Council for a term

Shrinking ozone hole a beacon of hope for climate change reversal

Satellite measurements indicate that the ozone hole is about 1 million miles smaller than a year ago – a positive trend that "suggests that we can achieve the solution to a large global environmental problem," according to Senior Sustainability Scientist Kevin Gurney.

Can carbon-dioxide removal save the world?

Carbon-dioxide removal could be a trillion-dollar enterprise because it not only slows the rise in CO2 but reverses it. Many companies are vying to prove that carbon removal is feasible, but

Sustainability lecturer awarded for paper on sustainable business bundles

Shirley-Ann Augustin-Behravesh, a lecturer with the School of Sustainability, won the Decision Sciences Institute's conference paper competition for her outstanding thesis research paper titled "Uncovering Sustainable Business Practice Bundles." Augustin-Behravesh's

20th Annual Poster Symposium and All Scientists Meeting

Save the date! CAP LTER will be holding its 20th Annual Poster Symposium and All Scientists Meeting on January 5th, 2018 at ASU's SkySong facility in Scottsdale. Weiqi Zhou, Professor

Wild Freedom: The Border and its Environmental Impact [film]

On November 15, 2017, The ASU School for the Future of Innovation in Society hosted a film screening of “Wild Freedom: The Border and its Environmental Impact,” followed by a