USA Today: Will thirsty Phoenix survive climate change?
Although city officials believe Phoenix will have enough water, Arizona state climatologist and Sustainability Scientist Nancy Selover says increasing temperatures will still have dangerous health effects for the elderly, homeless, and underprivileged.
Fast Company: Tracking emissions with the Ventus Project
In a Co.EXIST article, Sustainability Scientist Kevin Gurney says everyday citizens can input location and name of nearby power plants in the online portal to help record and measure carbon dioxide emissions.
2013 Advanced Water Educator Workshop
In conjunction with Arizona Project WET, the Water Sustainability Program, and UA’s Water Resources Research Center, DCDC hosted 35 teachers at the eighth annual workshop. The theme of this year’s
Having an impact
Science and Public Policy, published by Oxford Journals, is a leading international journal on public policies for science, technology and innovation. It covers all types of science and technology in
Sustainability students experience cultural, corporate contexts from leaders in Dubai
The United Arab Emirates' Minister of Economy met with several School of Sustainability students to discuss tourism, governance, economics, and local issues as part of the Global Sustainability Studies Program.
Juggling solutions, experts is all in a day's work for sustainability grad
Doctoral graduate Rajesh Buch is a practice lead with the Sustainability Solutions Extension Service, organizing students and faculty members into consulting groups for private and public sustainability projects.
The Guardian: How can sustainability leaders be successful?
Bruno Sarda, consultant for the Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives, writes that climate change alleviation can come from leaders who inspire, set concrete goals, and instill a sustainability strategy.

AZ Central: Sustainability scientist says AZ can replace coal with solar
Mike Pasqualetti writes in an opinion piece that coal is losing its fight nationally and Arizona has a chance to lead the change towards clean energy with more solar projects.
Liquid fuel from sunlight: A spotlight on cyanobacteria
Research and development of cleaner sources of energy is becoming increasingly more important in our society. Last week, President Barack Obama announced new measures to tackle climate change which included
Researchers discover global warming may affect microbe survival
School of Life Sciences professor Ferran Garcia-Pichel's international team of scientists found that higher temperatures can alter the abundance of microbial species with unknown consequences to erosion protection and soil fertility.
The breathing ocean: Reducing the effects of climate change
Oceanographer and Sustainability Scientist Susanne Neuer leads National Science Foundation research on phytoplankton's role in climate change mitigation and how the algae can permanently bury organic carbon.
Top 10 new species list turns into book of top 100
Sustainability Scientist Quentin Wheeler's new book hopes to show that sustaining Earth's biodiversity can ensure our survival and the resiliency of ecosystems to future stressors.