Building biking system creates healthy option
by Brad Allenby for the Arizona Republic I always enjoy visiting the Netherlands. It's a small country, prosperous and nicely designed, with a cultural friskiness that enabled them to become
Arizona leaders look at sustainability
Mark Brodie for KJZZ Environmentalists aren't the only ones talking about sustainability anymore. KJZZ's Mark Brodie speaks with two of the authors of a new report on the subject, and how
Agricultural past a key to Arizona's future
by Michael Barton for the Arizona Republic In H.G. Well's famous book, The Time Machine, the central character travels into the future to witness the long-term consequences of the actions
ASU mentor kindles student's talents and gets research assistance in the process
For the past two years, School of Life Sciences doctoral student, Kevin McCluney has participated as a graduate mentor in the Southwest Center for Education and the Natural Environment's (SCENE)
Stop and think about one-use waste
by Greg Peterson for the Arizona Republic Stop . . . Think for a moment about that item you just tossed in the trash. Often it is a cup, lid,
Sustainability for Arizona: The Issue of our age
Morrison Institute and the Global Institute of SustainabilityThe 6th edition of Morrison Institute's Arizona Policy Choices series, Sustainability for Arizona describes sustainability as a defining issue and organizing principle for
State Universities Conference on Climate Change and the Role of Higher Education
Arizona State University, University of Arizona and Northern Arizona UniversityArizona universities met to discuss climate change and the role of higher education. The following are news stories about the event.
Technology-management gap grows
by Brad Allenby for the Arizona Republic In 1945, in the blinding light of the first nuclear test at White Sands, N.M., physicist Robert Oppenheimer recalled the words of Vishnu,
Lawn-watering issue is complicated: Keeping grass green drains resources, but also helps keep landscapes, nearby homes cool
by Chris Martin for the Arizona Republic It's October in Phoenix, and the public's attention has once again turned to overseeding, ryegrass, and winter lawns. Phoenicians are blessed with a
Still pioneering: Sustainable engineering in Arizona
by Brad Allenby for the Arizona Republic When I was younger and in charge of AT&T's Design for Environment program, I once suggested to a Bell Laboratories design team that
Urban heat island sffects Phoenix all year-round
by Anthony J. Brazel for the Arizona Republic The monsoon may be the most talked-about weather feature of Phoenix in recent days, but another weather-related phenomenon going on in the
Outdoor water use strains resources
by Patricia Gober for the Arizona Republic Water is the key resource for growth in a desert city like Phoenix. The Valley is blessed with a diverse portfolio of water