Shabab Lab: Revolutionizing technologies to promote social change in Arab communities
Mona Itani – CEO & Founder of Shabab Lab – Lebanon 2021 WE Empower finalist, Middle East and North Africa Transforming Arab youth into changemakers in their community is the

Fly Technista: Providing tech opportunities for women around the globe
With over 1.4 million tech-related jobs available and only 3% of these roles filled by women, Fly Technista, a revolutionary mobile app, bridges the access gap for women within

Yetunde Oyalowo, founder of Market Doctors, Nigeria
2022 WE Empower Awardee, Sub-Saharan Africa Healthcare has become a critical focus in recent years, especially in Nigeria. Access to simple checkups and medicine is infeasible for millions of Nigerians

SPRI contributes research and writing to UNEP Sustainable Public Procurement: 2022 Global Review
ASU's SPRI was heavily involved in both the research and writing for the UN Environment Programme's 2022 Global Review on Sustainable Public Procurement.

Meet affiliated faculty Paul Coseo
Read on for an interview with Paul Coseo, Senior Global Futures Scientist at Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory and Assistant Professor in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts.

NaTakallam, a pathway forward and upward for refugees
Aline Sara – CEO & Co-Founder of NaTakallam- United States of America 2021 WE Empower Awardee, Europe and North America Dignity, Prosperity and International Opportunities The

Selva Nevada: Empowering Indigenous communities through biodiverse products
Catalina Alvarez has worked for over fourteen years on various projects that seek to improve the economic conditions of small rural producers in Colombia. Alvarez helped to

Locust researchers represent at Entomological Society of America conference
The Global Locust Initiative Lab team attended the 2022 Joint Annual Meeting in Vancouver November 12–16th, 2022, along with a great showing of fellow locust and grasshopper researchers, many of whom are students recently brought into the fold of locust research through the Behavioral Plasticity Research Institute (BPRI).

November 2022 newsletter on COP27 and the future of climate work
Our November newsletter features an insight into the COP27 gathering, and what it means for our collective climate future. Also read about what small firms are doing to fight climate

New summary report released: Community Engagement Strategies
Community engagement is a critical component of ensuring that a community has input and is receiving information from its local government. Cities have used a variety of engagement strategies to gather feedback on its services, as well as inform future planning.
Info of Interest - November 11
SCN Info of Interest–November 11, 2022November's SCN Info of Interest was sent out via email. Includes info on: ASU at COP27, SCN workgroup meetings, webinars, news, and more. Check it
Student recommendations inform Sustainable Peoria Plan
The City of Peoria recently approved its Sustainable Peoria Plan, a roadmap for sustainability that outlines goals and initiatives around its eight pillars of sustainability.