High expectations for 2nd GreenSummit
by Chris SamilaFor the Arizona RepublicWhen we organized the first GreenSummit on ASU's Tempe campus last year, we never imagined that anyone but students and a few local residents would
Most likely to succeed
onEarth, independent publication of the National Resources Defense Council When I traded New York City for Tempe, Arizona, in August 2001, I thought I was moving to a quiet desert
New program offers "sustainable" business degree
ASUNews More people and businesses want to find ways to conserve energy and help make our natural resources last longer. As the new school year begins, a groundbreaking new degree
Now is time to stop building freeways
By Aaron GolubFor the Arizona RepublicThe idea of sustainable transportation looms large as gas prices skyrocket and Valley residents must pay up or reduce their travel. Both choices have severe
ASU named one the nation’s top 10 "Coolest" Schools by Sierra Magazine
Sierra magazine, a publication of The Sierra Club, has named Arizona State University (ASU) one of the nation’s Top 10 "Coolest" Schools for its efforts to stop global warming. The
Global warming aside, fresh water dwindling
by Patricia Gober, Arizona State UniversityArizona Repuiblic, Viewpoints According to a study published in the July 14, 2000, issue of Science, one-third of the world's population is water-stressed, with 8
ASU makes Kaplan list of top 25 green colleges
Today's students are going green and the move towards a sustainable future is impacting many of their decisions, including college and career choices. In recognition of this movement, Kaplan, a
ASU named one of nation's 'greenest' universities
Princeton Review rating based on environmental practices, policies and course offerings Arizona State University has been named one of the nation's "greenest" universities by The Princeton Review in its first-ever
Peter Singer discusses the way we eat: Why our food choices matter
Sustainable Food Choices - Peter Singer from Institute of Sustainability on Vimeo. When: Monday, April 28, 2008 – 2:00 PMWhere: Evelyn Smith Music Theatre, Arizona State University, Tempe Campus Five
Consider an area's walkability
by Rod Groff for the Arizona Republic Walkable neighborhoods offer many benefits to society, notably better health, more vibrant local economies, and increased social interaction.Although the Valley of the Sun
Integrated, accurate urban data key to protecting human health, national security
In his July 10, 2008, testimony before Congress, Professor Jay Golden calls for greater federal support for improved data collection and interagency collaboration. More people, hotter temperatures, and a vulnerable
Sustainability changes outlook for engineer
Vairavan SubramanianSpecial for the Republic You could say that I'm an engineer by birth. I was literally raised to be an engineer so that I could help my dad automate