Math to the rescue

As part of the ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes’ educational agenda, School of Life Sciences Assistant Research Professor Gwen Iacona and graduate student Olivia Davis developed a mathematical problem on

Students meet Clarkdale leadership to discuss project during spring 2021 kickoff event

On January 29, 2021, ASU Project Cities hosted the Clarkdale Kickoff. This virtual event featured a panel discussion with Town leadership about Clarkdale’s values and character, followed by breakout meetings

Future Cities episode 39: Black History Month Spotlight - Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd

Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd (Instagram @marsh4fsu, Twitter @DrShepherd2013) is a distinguished meteorologist, professor, writer, podcaster… and that only begins to share all his accomplishments! Here he chats with Robert Lloyd

ECOnsult signs MOU with the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development

On January 26th, 2021, ECOnsult signed an MOU with the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development to create climate resilience awareness and green building guidelines for Egypt’s low-income villages. This

ASU hosts AAAS annual meeting Feb. 8-11

Arizona State University is proud to host this year’s American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting, the world’s largest general scientific gathering, Feb. 8–11. This year’s virtual meeting is

Center for Imagination in the Borderlands awarded $4.2M

The Mellon Foundation grant will aid a mentorship program designed to reconfigure traditional academic structures and offer support to Indigenous scholars.

The Earth League launches 10 New Insights of Climate Science with UNFCCC

Unaccounted emissions from permafrost, threats to the land sink, impacts on mental health and freshwater, COVID-19 outcomes and rights-based litigation to address climate change are some of the most recent findings in climate change science summarized in the new report.

Feb 16: The Critical Role of Gender Equality in Leadership

In a YouTube livestream event hosted by Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland, Amanda Ellis will discuss the critical role of gender equality in leadership. The 40-minute session will take place Tuesday, February 16, from 12:05–12:45 p.m. MST.

CCG Catalyst Consulting, Arizona Bankers Association announce the Arizona Fintech Council

CCG Catalyst Consulting and the Arizona Bankers Association have partnered to create the Arizona Fintech Council to spur economic growth in the state and bring viable and promising fintech companies to Arizona's Fintech Sandbox.

Seeking ASU student applicants for TechCongress program

Informational call Jan. 27. Nominations are open for the TechCongress Congressional Innovation Scholars Program. The program pays an $60,000 annual-equivalent stipend and other benefits. Please nominate students and encourage them to apply by Feb. 5.

Jan 27: Ellis presents on Gender Equality and Governance Index

Sustainability scholar and GFL director of global partnerships Amanda Ellis will present about the Index and other tools for accelerating women’s empowerment and ensuring equal rights.

Feb 18: Black and Indigenous Relations of Doing and Being

Author Tiffany King will present the 2021 Environmental Humanities Initiative Distinguished Lecture, a keynote address of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture (ISSRNC) Conference.