Decarbonizing data centers

The world runs on data. On an average, every second of the day, each person produces 1.7MB of data. This implies nothing else but that data centers are the fastest

Race to Zero: The next decade will decide the future of humanity

The stakes to address climate change have never been higher. The wellbeing of the planet, its ecosystems and people hang in the balance and their fate will be determined by

City of Phoenix adopted the 2021 Climate Action Plan

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and the City Council have adopted a Climate Action Plan roadmap to cut emissions and build a more resilient city by approving the City’s comprehensive action

A research agenda for disinformation: How to make progress when computer science is not enough

Disinformation is a quintessential socio-technical challenge – it is driven fundamentally by people and amplified significantly by technology. As such, technological solutions alone will not be sufficient in addressing this

City of Phoenix adopted the 2021 Climate Action Plan

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and the City Council have adopted a Climate Action Plan roadmap to cut emissions and build a more resilient city by approving the City’s comprehensive action

Meet senior fellow Alexander Müller

In this series, we’re sitting down with the Swette Center senior fellows to catch up on food systems, innovation, and what makes a good meal.  Read on for an interview with Alexander Müller, Former State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture.

Local hospitals can strengthen our local food system

In the mid-20th century, Arizona was one of the most productive agricultural states. Warm temperatures contributed to plentiful harvests of crops such as cotton, alfalfa, and citrus. Arizona’s central cities and rural towns identified with agricultural production. This agricultural tradition is reflected in the Arizona state flag, and occupies 3 of 5 coveted C’s of Arizona (cotton, citrus, cattle, copper, and climate).

COVID-19 and the 2021 global supply chain crisis

Record queues of container ships wait at anchor outside the Port of Los Angeles. A 20-mile traffic jam clogs rail lines in Chicago. Store shelves are bare and shortages of numerous products

a computer chip

A first look at TSMC’s giant 5-nanometer chip fab being built in Phoenix

GDC founding director appointed to NASEM Committee to advise USGCRP

In July 2021, Osvaldo Sala, founding director of the Global Drylands Center and Julie A. Wrigley Chair, Regents and Foundation Professor, was nominated by the National Academies of Science, Engineering,

GDC founding director appointed to NASEM Committee to advise USGCRP

In July 2021, Osvaldo Sala, founding director of the Global Drylands Center and Julie A. Wrigley Chair, Regents and Foundation Professor, was nominated by the National Academies of Science, Engineering,

Garbage into gold: Circular economy research makes plastic more sustainable

Since the 1950s, plastics have changed our lives. But these amazing materials are mostly made of fossil hydrocarbons like oil, gas and coal — and none are biodegradable. So, the