NRG Renew and ASU partnership yields student opportunity

NRG Energy, Inc. and Arizona State University are working together to develop a working prototype of a containerized solar and batterystorage solution designed to be deployed for disaster relief or

ASU scientists gather in D.C. to tackle phosphorus sustainability

Determined to find solutions to current phosphorus concerns, sustainability scientists Jim Elser and Helen Rowe were among more than 40 other scientists, engineers, technical experts and policymakers from around the world to convene in Washington, D.C. at this May's "The Future of Phosphorus" event.

The Earth Genome releases 2015 progress report

CBO Partner, The Earth Genome, recently released an exciting year one progress report. Earlier this year, the Earth Genome partnered with CBO and a team of ASU researchers to develop a series of

Engineers report upgrades needed to climate-proof power supply

In their article in the current issue of Nature Climate Change, researchers Mikhail Chester and Matthew Bartos say that unless steps are taken to upgrade systems and technologies, power stations will be particularly vulnerable to projected increases in extreme heat and drought events.

Member, International Ebola Vaccine Team B Report (2015) “Osterholm, M. et al. (2015) The Ebola Vaccine Team B: a model for promoting the rapid development of medical countermeasures for emerging infectious disease threats. Lancet Infect. Dis.

Members listed at the end of the paper. Published Online: 30 October 2015

Sustainability professor joins board of national foundation

The National Environmental Education Foundation recently announced the appointment of George Basile - a sustainability scientist and professor in the School of Sustainability - to its Board of Directors, where his leadership in the field of sustainability within business and academic enterprises will serve as a great asset.

ASU blue bag program contributes to zero waste goals

In an effort to capture items that were previously landfilled - such as coffee pods, cosmetic containers and water filters - the team behind ASU Recycling now offers the blue bag program, currently used in more than 52 buildings on ASU's Tempe campus.

Anthony Brazel and V. Kerry Smith honored for contributions to urban socioecological research

Anthony Brazel, Emeritus Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, and V. Kerry Smith, Emeritus Regents' Professor and Emeritus Professor of Economics, WP Carey School of Economics,

Grads and undergrads defend theses and dissertations

Spring brings a lot of things, including thesis and dissertation defenses. The following have either successfully completed or will be completing their defenses this spring: Thomas Bleasdale defended his dissertation,

The development of sustainability education at ASU

There has never been a more important time to educate and train the leaders of the future to deal with the threats of instability. Current world leaders are discussing climate

Public parks could provide economic benefits

Using survey data from park visitors to eight iconic parks, sustainability scientist Deepak Chhabra and her team determined that approximately $1.40 was generated for every dollar invested by Maricopa County in public parks after costs.

New report details effects of changing climate on Arizonans' health

The recently-released Arizona Extreme Weather, Climate and Health Profile Report - produced in part by ASU sustainability scientists - describes health risks posed by air pollution, extreme heat, flooding, drought and vector-borne diseases in Arizona and provides projections for the future.