Publication - A Paradox of Plenty: Renewable Energy on Navajo Nation Lands

Mike Pasqualetti's paper "A Paradox of Plenty: Renewable Energy on Navajo Nation Lands" is published in the journal Society and Natural Resources. ABSTRACT - A persistent paradox in the global boom

Sustainability Solutions Festival: (re)imagine our Home!

Arizona will once again be on the spotlight as it hosts the Fourth Sustainability Solutions Festival, organized by ASU Walton Sustainability Solution Initiatives. Everyone is invited to the #Sustival to

Long-term study shows impact of humans on land

Michael Barton Now researchers from Arizona State University are reporting on a 10-year project that studies the long term effects humans have had on the land - and the consequences

New tool helps corporations apply analytics to water use

ASU's Center for Biodiversity Outcomes is behind a revolutionary Green Infrastructure Support Tool that helps corporations like Dow Chemical apply analytics to their water use, simultaneously supporting water conservation, habitat restoration and the bottom line.

Studying the effects of neighborhood gardens

ASU researchers, including senior sustainability scientist and lead principal investigator Alex Maholov, are developing a physics-based model utilizing weather and farming data to predict environmental, economic and socio-economic impacts of increased urban agriculture.

'Hybrid Law' shows what happens when the thin blue line goes green

Peter Byck School of Sustainability Professor, Peter Byck, is the director of "Hybrid Law" that was shown at the 2016 North American International Auto Show in Detroit. As part of his

Conference in Aloha State will have strong ASU presence

For the first time in its history, the International Union for Conservation of Nature will host its World Conservation Congress on U.S. soil in September 2016 – a bid secured with the assistance of ASU. The WCC will feature three events sponsored by the ASU Wrigley Institute, as well as a subcommittee chaired by board member John DeFries.

Struggling to process the Paris climate talks? Help is coming

To aid our digestion of the December 2015 conference in Paris – where governments of the world adopted an arguably game-changing international agreement on climate change – four ASU experts and conference attendees will join us for the latest installment in the Case Critical series, "Postcards from Paris," on January 20.

Teaming up for sustainability

A unique competition took place before the January 2016 college football national championship, played in Glendale. Representatives from the four college football playoff teams, as well as Arizona State University and

The power of words: Climate change and the media

Dan Sarewitz Daniel is a Senior Sustainability Scientist and a professor of science and society for the School for the Future and Innovation. He put together and moderated the discussion

Report outlines new utility regulatory pathways

The leaders of the Powering Tomorrow Initiative – co-directed by sustainability scholar Kris Mayes – recently released their Phase Two report, which defines industry structures and regulatory packages that accommodate a growing number of market participants, while securing the vitality of existing utilities and a fair playing field for new market entrants.

Undergraduate research opportunities at LTER sites

The Ecological Society of America's SEEDS initiative, which aims to increase diversity in the field of ecology, is recruiting undergraduate students from underrepresented groups for the SPUR fellowship program. This