Marching toward a better future

Ted Pavlic Ted, a Sustainability Scientist and Scholar and Professor at the School of Sustainability, has looked to nature to solve the complex problems of today. He found that nature

How will global change impact terrestrial plant communities?

Janet Franklin  The health of terrestrial plant communities are critical for human survival not only because we depend on them for food and resources, but because they provide necessary ecological

What changes will global warming bring?

In this March 2016 lecture, Dr. Wally Broecker discusses the changes that global warming will bring to our planet. Broecker, whose research has focused mainly on defining the ocean’s role

We've got climate change all wrong

A Thought Leader Series Piece By James Hansen Note: James Hansen is the former director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and is an adjunct professor at Columbia

Top thought leaders gather in Phoenix for third year

The Sustainability Solutions Festival returned to Phoenix in February 2016, extending programming to two weeks of events that brought together global sustainability thought leaders and organizations to celebrate and award entrepreneurs, designers and creative thinkers.

Mirchandani named INFORMS fellow for pioneering advances in network traffic control

Pitu Mirchandani, School of Sustainability Pitu was named as a fellow to the Insinstitute For Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) for his fundamental research contributions about various aspects of transportation and

Ellen MacArthur Foundation's Circular Economy 100 Program Comes Stateside, Lands in Arizona

ASU's Wrigley Institute is developing an ‘Introduction to Circular Economy’ program that will introduce students to circular economy principles and implementation strategies. Students will be able to pursue a professional certification

ASU, Phoenix announced as sustainability partners

Arizona State University was announced as a Pioneer University of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's prestigious international Circular Economy 100 (CE100) network. ASU is the first university to join with a

Father of climate-change awareness speaks at ASU

James Hansen, renowned for seeing the threat of catastrophic climate change during his long career as NASA’s chief climatologist, delivered a February 2016 Wrigley Lecture about recent climate change developments and how we can fix the problem.

Innovative ASU-created device traces chemicals affecting human, environmental health

Rolf Halden  Chemicals and pesticides used within homes, agriculture and industries pour into our environment. Unfortunately, the poor effects of these compounds on the human and ecological environments are often

The question of renewable energy on tribal lands

Martin Pasqualetti Pasqualetti explored the social and cultural disparities of the Navajo Nation as they have the greatest potential, in comparison with every tribe in the United States, to lead

Global Engagement Increasing Southeast Asia's global visibility

 Karen Carter A rhetoric and linguistics graduate student and member of the Global Devleopment Research Program with the School of Sustainability, received the USAID Research and Innovation Fellowship that allowed