Using math to save endangered U.S. species

On May 5, 2017, ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes Founding Director, Leah Gerber, partnered with the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center to present the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials with

Joining forces with the Natural Capital Coalition

The ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes recently became a member of the Natural Capital Coalition (NCC). NCC is a unique multi-stakeholder collaboration that brings together leading global initiatives and organizations

ASU-Hawai’i Green Growth collaboration receives top awards at ‘Make the Ala Wai Awesome’ design competition

At a ceremony in Honolulu on June 18, 2017, an interdisciplinary team of Arizona State University graduate students working with Hawai’i Green Growth (HGG) received the top award in the

Moving forward on climate change post Paris agreement

At a Case Critical discussion about the U.S.'s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, panelists Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton, School of Sustainability Assistant Professor Sonja Klinsky and ASU economist William Boyes expressed differing opinions about the best next steps.

Charles Redman discusses this week’s heat dome on NPR

Featured on On Point, the UREx SRN’s Charles Redman speaks with host Tom Ashbrook about making Phoenix heat-ready for the years to come, considering equity when designing cities, and doing

Job Opening! Field Institute Manager

The McDowell Sonoran Conservancy, a non-profit organization in Scottsdale, AZ, has an exciting job opening for a Field Institute Manager. The Field Institute Manager would work with a dynamic group

First-year projects impacting teachers, cities, GHG emissions

The Global Consortium for Sustainability Outcomes is a non-profit international consortium of universities that collaborate to implement and scale solutions to sustainability challenges. GCSO membership spans seven countries on three

On the topic of strategic prioritization, or ‘species triage’

It’s easy to misrepresent the field of species prioritization. It’s often tempting to purport that some scientists are advocating for extinction. A few facts: There is a clear link between

A silver lining to Phoenix's heat wave

Explaining to ASU Now why Phoenix residents have to bear extreme temperatures every summer, Distinguished Sustainability Scientist Randy Cerveny said, "We have a large upper-air ridge of high pressure centered over

Vision for rehabilitated watershed lands ASU team with award

An ASU team took the overall prize in the "Make the Ala Wai Awesome" challenge, an international student design competition that asked contestants to rehabilitate a critical Oʻahu watershed containing one of the nation’s most polluted bodies of water.

Sir Crispin Tickell: Thought Leader Series

In an essay titled "Seizing sustainability at a time of reckoning," Distinguished Sustainability Fellow and ASU Wrigley Institute Board Member Sir Crispin Tickell contrasts human enlightenment to issues of sustainability

Incubating waste innovations for a robust circular economy

Announced in June 2017 by the Resource Innovation and Solutions Network, the RISN Incubator – a business development and accelerator program – is seeking early-stage ventures that focus on solutions to waste-related challenges and work toward a circular economy.