Glendale Becomes First in Arizona to Replace Streetlights with LED Bulbs

It isn’t every day a city council gets a treat like the one Glendale enjoyed Tuesday night. The city was honored for its work to change out all of their

Illuminating gender inequality in Mexican aquaculture

Maria Cruz Torres, an anthropologist and senior sustainability scientist, has worked tirelessly for twenty years to make the efforts of Sinaloa's female shrimp traders visible – even despite the threat of personal violence.

Getting to the source of poor water management

We often think of the impacts of extreme events, like the flooding in Houston or the damage from the earthquake this year in Mexico City, as resulting from some anomalous

Teaching in the rainforest, science communication and leadership

On January 5-8, 2018, ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes Founding Director Leah Gerber, along with Affiliated Faculty John Sabo and Tod Swanson, facilitated an intensive workshop titled Environmental Communication and

Assessing the value of urban agriculture

The benefits of urban agriculture may seem local and limited, but – according to a team of researchers led by ASU and Google – the collective environmental impact is significant.

Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Turns Brownfield to Greenfield

The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC) is turning a former Brownfield site into an Environmental Education Demonstration Garden. The site, formerly called the Beeline Gravel Pit, was a raceway-turned-disposal

Biodegradable plastics made from bacteria

By employing cyanobacteria – a photosynthesis-happy bug – Senior Sustainability Scientist Taylor Weiss is making environmentally-friendly bioplastics that dissolve in a matter of months.

Linked food systems affect global governance

School of Sustainability Associate Professor Hallie Eakin is the lead author of a new article in the Ecology and Society journal. The article, titled "Transforming governance in telecoupled food systems," uses case studies

Postdoctoral Research Fellow: Pest management in coupled human-natural systems in developing countries

We invite applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with training in resource economics, quantitative human geography, land systems science, or similar. The Fellow will develop an innovative research program in

Marine reserves connectivity and global warming

ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes Founding Director Leah Gerber and Faculty Associate Maria del Mar Mancha-Cisneros recently co-authored a publication led by Jorge Alvarez Romero and other conservation scientists around

Future Cities podcast episode 5: Green gentrification and urban agriculture

UREx SRN researchers Jason Sauer and Marissa Matsler talk with Portland State University associate professor of urban studies and planning, Nathan McClintock, about green gentrification in the context of urban

Water management in Brazil

One of the most pressing global challenges for sustainable development in the era of the Anthropocene is freshwater management. Water is a fundamental human necessity and essential to improve social