PhD student published in computer science journal

PhD student published in computer science journal
Kirtus Leyba, a computer science PhD student working in the Biodesign Center for Biocomputing, Security and Society recently had his work published in the journal Networking and Internet Architecture.

Wastewater provides a planet-wide laboratory for the study of human health
Of the many contemporary conveniences often taken for granted in developed countries, modern sanitation may be among the most important. A new study suggests that wastewater infrastructure may provide societal

Simple, inexpensive, fast and accurate nano-sensors pinpoint infectious diseases
In recent years, deadly infectious diseases, including Ebola and COVID-19, have emerged to cause widespread human devastation. Although researchers have developed a range of sophisticated methods to detect such infections,

Computing scenarios for defusing polarized politics
Opposites may attract when it comes to personal relationships. In political affairs today, however, that claim is becoming more difficult to assert. New research shows that common ground is shrinking in politics, and people on opposite ends of the ideological spectrum are more entrenched in their divergent positions than at any time in recent history. Those conclusions are derived not only from results of traditional opinion polls — in this era of big data and