Four sustainability scientists elected AAAS Fellows

Global Futures Scientists-Scholars

Four sustainability scientists elected AAAS Fellows

Four sustainability scientists were named fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS): Sander van der Leeuw, C. Michael Barton, Gary Marchant and Charles Perrings. These ASU faculty were chosen in honor of their invaluable contributions to science and technology.

Wu and Westerhoff are among world's most influential researchers

Sustainability Scientists Jianguo Wu and Paul Westerhoff joined nine other ASU colleagues in being named Highly Cited Researchers by the Web of Science Group.

Two sustainability scientists earn prestigious Regents Professor title

Every year, a select few ASU faculty are given the esteemed title of Regents Professor. This year, two out of the five honorees were senior sustainability scientists: Nancy Grimm and Vijay Vittal. These professors are internationally recognized experts at the apex of their fields.

Jennifer Vanos awarded 2019 Climate and Health Champion Award

Jennifer Vanos, an assistant professor in the School of Sustainability, received Maricopa County’s 2019 Climate and Health Champion award in the research category for her outstanding work in understanding the dangers and health outcomes connected to children’s playspaces.

New ASU lab will address the social challenges of climate change

As more locations across the country begin to transition to utilizing renewable energy sources, officials in such locations face a daunting task: How do they compensate the workers and communities

Conservation Solutions Laboratory scientists pen new commentary

Michael Brown, Samantha Cheng and Jim Tolisano, along with dozens of conservation and development researchers and practitioners representing ASU's Conservation Solutions Lab, have penned a new opinion piece, released September

ASU researchers mapping coral reefs

People are killing coral reefs. These reefs — some worth $1 million per square kilometer per year — are being destroyed by overdevelopment of coastlines, improper disposal of sewage, overfishing,

Darnall named National Academy of Public Administration fellow

The National Academy of Public Administration has inducted Nicole Darnall, associate dean and professor in the School of Sustainability, into its 2019 class of fellows. Darnall is one of eight NAPA fellows from ASU.

New research by ASU professor furthers understanding of dryland litter cycles

Arizona State University professor Heather Throop penned a new research article that advances our understanding of dryland litter cycles. Drylands are arid ecosystems characterized by a lack of water. According

ASU professors named 2019 American Geophysical Union Fellows

Arizona State University professors Osvaldo Sala, a drylands researcher and Regents Professor in the School of Life Sciences, and Meenakshi Wadhwa, a cosmochemistry expert and the new director of ASU's

What is the GFL Research Development Office?

The GFL RDO offers a range of services to advance sustainability research competitiveness by increasing faculty readiness, catalyzing people and ideas, and developing faculty research skills.

ASU scientists respond to new IPCC report

In their response, scientists associated with ASU's Global Futures Laboratory stressed the importance of acting with urgency, removing CO2 from the air and point sources, and engaging people who are most vulnerable to climate change.