Project Humanities launches new podcast club

Global Futures Scientists-Scholars

Project Humanities launches new podcast club

Next discussion: June 18. “Talking, Listening and Podcasting with ASU Project Humanities” is a new series that invites individuals to experience a podcast independently, then come together to talk about and learn from it.

Societies in conflict

Sustainability scientist Craig Calhoun draws parallels between recent racial justice protests in the United States and 1989 protests for democratic freedoms in Tiananmen Square, China.

Societies in conflict

Medium In the latest thought leader piece from the Global Futures Laboratory, "Societies in Conflict," Craig Calhoun — University Professor of Social Sciences in the School of Sustainability — draws

Crow calls for new strategies to defend individual rights

President Crow called on the university's academic communities to outline new efforts, new concepts, and new strategies to devise new models for protecting and defending the rights of individuals.

Repeated hurricanes, risks and opportunities to flooding and water quality

A new paper from Center for Biodiversity Outcomes and The Nature Conservancy finds that FEMA flood hazard maps underpredicted the extent of hurricane-induced floods; findings could improve community planning for greater resiliency.

ASU develops state’s first saliva-based COVID-19 test

Scientists at ASU's Biodesign Institute have developed Arizona’s first saliva-based test for COVID-19 to make testing easier and more accessible.

Cheng, team win EPA award for green infrastructure project

The team won the Campus Rainworks Challenge for their work with the K-8 Paideia Academy in south Phoenix to address environmental justice and equity in health and education through green infrastructure interventions.

Ostrom documentary: Actual World, Possible Future

Actual World, Possible Future explores the lives and work of Elinor and Vincent Ostrom, who sought to address the enormous problems that plague human societies: climate change, endangered species, ocean pollution, deforestation.

New online magazine 'Transformations' explores role of change

ASU's Narrative Storytelling Initiative launched its latest venture to explore the power of transformative experiences in an online magazine called Transformations, which features powerful, personal essays.

Collins elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Collins, an evolutionary ecologist, was chosen for his studies of the role of host-pathogen interactions in species decline and extinction. The American Academy of Arts and Scienceswas formed in 1780 by John Adams, John Hancock and other leaders of the time.

5/27: COVID-19 and the Mission of the U.S. Public University

Join President Michael Crow and the presidents of Purdue and University of Washington for a virtual town hall discussion hosted by the National Academies and Issues in Science and Technology.

UREx partner calls for survey responses

Scientists from the Urban Systems Lab, part of The New School located in New York City, is calling for survey responses in their study of public parks, open spaces and COVID-19.