Charles Redman discusses this week’s heat dome on NPR
Urban Resilience Network
Charles Redman discusses this week’s heat dome on NPR
Featured on On Point, the UREx SRN’s Charles Redman speaks with host Tom Ashbrook about making Phoenix heat-ready for the years to come, considering equity when designing cities, and doing
Building Climate-Resilient Infrastructure In Phoenix, Across The Country
Charles Redman, co-director of the UREx SRN, speaks to Mark Brodie, of KJZZ 91.5, about building resilient infrastructure for our changing climate. Redman talks about how the answers for one
ASU researchers working to cool Phoenix down
Charles Redman, of the UREx SRN, speaks to KTAR news about the network and its plan to make cities, like Phoenix, more resilient towards heat. Phoenix is known for its
Beating heat in future takes more than AC
UREx’s Charles Redman, Nancy Grimm, and Paul Coseo contribute to an ASU Now article about solutions to prepare cities, like Phoenix, for an even warmer future and how UREx, a
Optimism in Cuba
Team of researchers marks ASU's first visit to the island nation with scientific cooperation, relationship building and mutual respect.
Network Project Presentation of Resilience and Urban Sustainability
Announcing specialists with Arizona State University and Hermosillo to incorporate Urban Resilience and Sustainability.
April 6, 2016 Press Conference
April 6, 2016 – Hermosillo team press conference with Mayor Acosta Gutiérrez.
The municipality of Hermosillo
The municipality of Hermosillo was elected to nine cities in the world that make up the Network for Urban Resilience and Sustainability Climate Change, according to its the mayor.