2 ASU professors appointed as first-ever Navrotsky Professors of Materials Research
Materials of the Universe

2 ASU professors appointed as first-ever Navrotsky Professors of Materials Research
Candace Chan, an associate professor in the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy, and Dan (Sang-Heon) Shim, a professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration, were selected for the professorship based on their significant contributions in the field of materials research.

2021 Highlights
High school senior Nicholas To joined the group in the Summer 2021. Together with ASU undergraduate Ivan Matyushov he assembled acoustic levitator using design published my Marzo et al. (2017).

Graduate Students from our PIRE project
Here is one of our graduate student Gerson Leonel performing Raman spectroscopy at Kansas State Univ. as part of our PIRE project.

Holiday letter 2021
Another year has flown by; I have now been in AZ over two years — and what a crazy, fastmoving, wonderful, exciting, satisfying, frustrating, surprising time it has been. I have been healthy, triply vaccinated (two Pfizer, one Moderna, no ill effects other than a sore arm) and am part of a trial of a nifty tiny neutralizing antibody detector designed by an immunologist colleague.

FORCE: Facility for Open Research in a Compressed Environment is funded
The National Science Foundation has just announced the award of $13.7 million to Arizona State University to build a one-of-a-kind high-pressure research facility, the FORCE (Facility for Open Research in a Compressed Environment).

Alexandra Navrotsky increases ASU donation to $10M to help ensure future of materials science
Navrotsky has made a $10 million donation to Arizona State University to help further the growth of material science at the university.