Assessing the value of urban agriculture

Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation

Assessing the value of urban agriculture

The benefits of urban agriculture may seem local and limited, but – according to a team of researchers led by ASU and Google – the collective environmental impact is significant.

Biodegradable plastics made from bacteria

By employing cyanobacteria – a photosynthesis-happy bug – Senior Sustainability Scientist Taylor Weiss is making environmentally-friendly bioplastics that dissolve in a matter of months.

Linked food systems affect global governance

School of Sustainability Associate Professor Hallie Eakin is the lead author of a new article in the Ecology and Society journal. The article, titled "Transforming governance in telecoupled food systems," uses case studies

Water management in Brazil

One of the most pressing global challenges for sustainable development in the era of the Anthropocene is freshwater management. Water is a fundamental human necessity and essential to improve social

British diplomat examines US stance on climate change

On the heels of the One Planet summit, Distinguished Sustainability Fellow Sir Crispin Tickell tells ASU Now that political leadership and clear communication of consequences are key ingredients in the remedy to climate change denial in the United States. 

Supporting science to sustain our planet

In a December 2017 interview with Juli Staiano – Chief Philanthropy Officer for the American Association for the Advancement of Science – ASU Wrigley Institute board member Robert Litterman gave his reasons for giving back to the field.

ASU announces new center in sustainable food systems

With the aim of finding better solutions to today's food-related challenges, Kelly and Brian Swette have made a major gift to establish the Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems in ASU's School of Sustainability, which will offer the nation's first degree on the subject.

A savvy solution to Mekong River's hydropower dilemma

To help countries surrounding the Mekong enjoy the clean energy benefits of hydropower without disruption to their food supply or livelihoods, Senior Sustainability Scientist John Sabo and his collaborators developed an algorithm for proper dam management.

ASU’s Project Cities wraps up a successful first semester

ASU Project Cities held its first semester-end project showcase with the city of Apache Junction at the university's Memorial Union on November 29, 2017. Professors and students from multiple campuses presented

Smithsonian exhibit to bring new understanding of water to Arizona

ASU's Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives is among the groups working to expand research and resources for Water/Ways, a Smithsonian exhibit traveling to 12 rural Arizona communities in 2018 to spark conversations about our relationship with water.

Meeting purchasing needs the sustainable way

To help organizations interested in eco-friendly purchasing, ASU's Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative is partnering with the EPA on a website geared toward servicizing – an approach that charges customers for the function of a product rather than the product itself.

Colbert, live from COP 23

The 23rd Conference of the Parties – a U.N. climate conference in Bonn, Germany – attracted dignitaries from around the world. Luckily, those at home had School of Sustainability student