Understanding climate change through history

Environmental Humanities

Understanding climate change through history

by Sharonah Fredrick, Assistant Director of the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at ASU How did the medieval Norse and Inuit peoples adapt to their changing climates in

Understanding climate and energy through environmental humanities

Environmental humanities is a rapidly growing field focused on the study of human imagination, perception, behaviors and the relationship with their surrounding environments, both social and natural. Arizona State University humanist

How ‘Cli-Fi’ Promotes Sustainable Awareness

Can a story trigger social movement? What is the role of imagination in society’s’ response to climate change? On April 2, ASU‘s Manjana Milkoreit moderated a panel event sponsored by

Connecting the Humanities and Sustainability: An Interview with Joni Adamson

Joni Adamson likes to call herself a “Jill of all trades.” Adamson, a professor of English and Environmental Humanities in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) and a Senior