Presence of humans, urban landscapes increase illness in songbirds

College of Global Futures

Presence of humans, urban landscapes increase illness in songbirds

ASU scientists found a direct link between the degree of urbanization and the prevalence and severity of parasites in wild house finches. The research was published in the journal PLOS ONE.

ASU research helps guide transportation policy

More than 30 ASU faculty members and students presented research at the Transportation Research Board's 93rd annual meeting, which attracted about 12,000 professionals from academia, research institutions, industry, and public and private policy groups from around the world.

Why higher ed, advanced energy systems will rescue global climate policy

With the European Union split on a new energy and climate strategy to 2030, and developing countries such as India and China unwilling to take the lead on cutting greenhouse

Arizona, German students take Sustainable Cites course simultaneously

With computer technology and internet connectivity in all 483 classrooms on its four campuses, ASU is one of only 12 public universities (of 543 surveyed by EDUCAUSE) to have 100 percent classroom mediation, up from 36 percent in 2008.

Students create innovative data stories with MapStory tool

ASU was the first academic institution to help MapStory come into being, MapStory creates maps that, together with interactive features, are played in succession through time to tell a story. Since the site went live in 2012, ASU students have created hundreds of stories.

Student innovator gets help from ASU, CGI U on clean water venture

ASU senior Nisarg Patel launched HydroGene, a student startup that has developed a quick and inexpensive way to test for water contamination, with seed funds from ASU's Innovation Challenge and Edson Student Entrepreneur Initiative.

America burning: the Yarnell Hill fire tragedy and the nation's wildfire crisis

Six months after 19 firefighters lost their lives battling the Yarnell Hill wildfire near Prescott, Ariz., The Weather Channel investigated the larger problem of U.S. wildfires. In an article and

ASU professor wins 'Digging Into Data' challenge

ASU professor C. Michael Barton has been named a “Digging Into Data” challenge winner. He is among a cohort of research teams representing Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and

ASU School of Life Sciences, Phoenix Zoo team up for conservation research

Modern, professionally managed zoos frequently serve as global conservation agents – working to save species, educate the public about species loss and recovery, practice conservation breeding and reintroduce animals into

Kao is first to graduate with Master's in Sustainability Solutions

As a student, Karen Kao studied abroad in the UK, served as a research assistant for Reinvent PHX, and worked as a project manager for ASU's Sustainability Solutions Services. She is now a sustainability program coordinator for GreenerU.

Municipal sludge holds hints to human health risks

Research from sustainability scientist Rolf Halden's lab suggests that potentially hazardous chemicals found in humans are found in similar proportion in municipal biosolids, making sludge a useful indicator of human exposure and bioaccumulation.

Professor publishes commentary in Sustainability: Journal of Record

In the first of two articles, Scott G. McNall and George Basile explain why we need a new narrative for sustainability, one grounded in how humans make decisions and also in how the world we live in works.