Colbert, live from COP 23

College of Global Futures

Colbert, live from COP 23

The 23rd Conference of the Parties – a U.N. climate conference in Bonn, Germany – attracted dignitaries from around the world. Luckily, those at home had School of Sustainability student

Johnson appointed to GRI stakeholder council

Ryan Johnson, Executive Director of Sustainability Education and Training for ASU's School of Sustainability, has been appointed as a member of the Global Reporting Initiative Stakeholder Council for a term

Sustainability lecturer awarded for paper on sustainable business bundles

Shirley-Ann Augustin-Behravesh, a lecturer with the School of Sustainability, won the Decision Sciences Institute's conference paper competition for her outstanding thesis research paper titled "Uncovering Sustainable Business Practice Bundles." Augustin-Behravesh's

US still part of the Paris agreement, for now

"If the United States wants to pull out of the accord, it will have to file this in writing in November 2019,” explains School of Sustainability Professor Sonja Klinsky, who told ASU Now that our country's willingness to cooperate may affect its ability to promote its interests.

Enjoy your Spring Break 2018 earning 3 credit hours in Cuba!

If you enjoy travel and exploring sustainability, the School of Sustainability is offering a study abroad course in Cuba over Spring Break 2018. It’s a Spring C session, 3-credit course,

MSL Profile: Benjamin Fogg

Benjamin Fogg is a student in the ASU School of Sustainability's Master of Sustainability Leadership program and graduates in Fall 2017. Fogg was recently promoted to Sustainability Specialist at FedEx Ground in

Military training promotes serving country and planet

During an inaugural Army Reserve Mission Resilience and Sustainability conference hosted by ASU, over 150 military personnel, Department of the Army civilians and contractors were given the mandate to change the “sustainability DNA” of their organizations.

Global Development Research Scholar: Sean McAllister

Sean McAllister, a doctoral student in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society, is currently researching energy transitions in Brazil through ASU's Global Development Research program. Coming from

Global Development Research Scholar: Breanna Reeser

Not all students who travel with the School of Sustainability are sustainability majors. Breanna Reeser, a doctorate student studying integrated behavioral health, is currently researching and interning in Chiang Mai,

Virtual exchange: ASU and Palestinian university advance design project through the Stevens Initiative

ASU and An-Najah National University students exchange unique perspectives and share a common goal -- to design a sustainable community center for a refugee camp in Palestine.

1,000s of lab gloves will be recycled thanks to ASU sustainability student

Recognizing that countless gloves are used in labs across ASU's campuses each week, School of Sustainability student Junkee Justin Ahn – through a program called RightCycle – is helping these gloves reach recycling centers where they are turned into plastic materials.

Committed to action

With an exclusive invite, School of Sustainability undergraduate Yann Raymond and his thesis partner attended the 2017 Clinton Global Initiative University in Boston, Mass. The team’s “commitment to action” –