CAP LTER student Poster Symposium winners

CAP Long-Term Ecological Research

CAP LTER student Poster Symposium winners

Each year during the CAP LTER Annual Poster Symposium, a panel of researchers and education experts judge student posters on their research content, originality, and visual clarity. This year, Scott

Nancy Grimm awarded ASU Faculty Achievement Award for Research

CAP LTER co-director and lead primary investigator Nancy B. Grimm has been awarded the ASU Faculty Achievement Award for Research. This award, which recognizes Dr. Grimm’s contributions to the field

Ecology Explorers curriculum engages low-income children

Low-income children in the Phoenix area have few options for environmental education during the summer months when hot temperatures force everyone inside and the price of science camps is out

CAP LTER 12th Annual Poster Symposium a Success

CAP LTER held its 12th Annual Poster Symposium on January 14, 2010 at ASU in Tempe. The theme of this year’s symposium was "Urban Ecology and Sustainability." Dr. Stephanie Pincetl,

CAP LTER Involved in $1.25 M Grant to Develop STEM Teacher Development Institute

CAP LTER is one of several ASU NSF-sponsored STEM education initiatives that have combined their energy and expertise to develop The Modeling Institute, a groundbreaking project that was recently funded

CAP LTER scientists participate in LTER-wide meeting in Colorado

The LTER All Scientists Meeting brings together scientists from a range of disciplines every three years to share research findings and collaborate on cross-LTER site projects. In September 2009, CAP

Urban heat: An environmental justice issue

Summer heat in the Valley of the Sun is almost legendary with temperatures soaring well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the impact of this heat on people is variable across